Team Members

Gayathri Srinivasan is the Director of Public and Private Partnerships at Emory University.  Srinivasan obtained her doctorate in Microbiology at Ohio State.  She has since become a post-doctoral fellow at MIT and served on the licensing teams at both MIT and University of Massachusetts. 


Bing Hao is the Associate Director for the University of Connecticut graduate level Molecular Biology and Biochemistry program.  She obtained her doctorate at Ohio State, and now is studying the regulation of the cell cycle by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis.


Tsuneo Ferguson is a microbiology professor at Miami University.  She has since studied oxygen-responsive genes in pheochromocytoma cells as well as the role of calcium in hypozia-induced signal transduction and gene expression.

Weimin Gong and Carey James also contributed to the discovery of pyrrolysine.