History and Background

Joseph A. Krzycki


  • Department of Microbiology at The Ohio State University
  • Professor, Departmental/Graduate Faculty
  • Education
    • B.S. University of Nebraska, Lincoln
    • M.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison
    • Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Expert in biochemistry and molecular biology of methanogenic archaea

Michael Chan


  • Former Chemist and Biochemist at The Ohio State University
  • Professor, Departmental/Graduate Faculty
  • Education
    • B.S., Chemistry, Harvey Mudd College
    • Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
  • Expert in molecular biophysics


Joseph Krzycki and Michael Chan were the leaders and faculty who with their research team discovered the 22nd amino acid, L-pyrrolysine, in 2002. The 22nd is only found in organisms which use methylamines as energy sources (methanogenic archaea and bacterium).

Chan and Bing Hao, a graduate student, identified a unique coding region within the MtmB gene that codes for methanogenic methylamine methyltranferases. These structures also carry a residue which, upon closer examination, was determined to be L-pyrrolysine.

Kryzycki along with Carey M. James and Gayathri Srinivasan, two other graduate students, found two other genes next to the MtmB gene. One of the genes encodes a special tRNA, and the other loads tRNA with lysine. Research suggests that  pyrrolysine is inserted into the MtmB gene during translation.


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