Recording Animals

We are collecting data about the animals using automated recording devices at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park at the Ohio State University.

Wildlife Camera

Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 12.58.56 PM18842412938_3a36f5a63c_zTo learn more about which animals are present at the wetlands , we are using a motion-activated, infra-red wildlife camera to capture still and moving images. We have captured deer, dogs, raccoons, rabbits, cats, woodchucks, squirrels, herons, wood ducks, mallards, robins, cardinals, opossums, turtles, frogs, and many human animals. Some are posted on the BioPresence Google+ page.


We installed an automated song meter at the wetlands in Spring 2015, which is set to record audio every day at dawn. The soundscapes include a wide variety of bird and insect vocalizations, as well as the sounds of an urban environment (planes, trains and emergency vehicles).  These recordings are archived and available for download from the Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics – one of the largest animal sound archives in the world. Below are a few examples.


Please note that streaming is not available – once the archive page loads, click the small button shaped like a cloud to download the 18 minute mp3 file.


We are inviting students, musicians and artists to use our data files in creative projects. If you are interested in accessing additional files or obtaining a file in high-quality WAV-format, please contact the curator of the Borror lab at or (614) 292-2176

BioPresence team members Amy Youngs and Angelika Nelson thank Brent Macolley and Laura Hoffman of the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park for their assistance on this project.