Our big day is tomorrow

Tomorrow, Saturday April 22, from 10 AM – 4 PM we will open our doors and welcome all of you to visit our hidden treasures in the natural history collections of The Ohio State University. Stop by and talk to the curators who meticulously keep these specimens and make them available to students and researchers for study throughout the year. This is your chance each year to see what we do and to support our efforts.

The event is FREE and so is parking. We will have many activities for children including face painting, the very popular bugs-in-goo, a live arthropod zoo … and this year new, for anyone over 15 years, guided sessions on scientific illustration, drawing natural history specimens.

Enjoy some photos from last year events

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The set-up for tomorrow is in full swing, here is what I have seen so far

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About the Author: Angelika Nelson is curator of the Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics and coordinates social media and outreach at the museum.

*** We hope to see you tomorrow ***

T-Shirt Design Contest – get creative

Back by popular demand we just opened submission for a T-Shirt design contest for our annual Museum Open House on Saturday April 22, 2017. Submit your artwork for the 2017 event now until Feb 1, 2017 at 5 pm EST. The contest is open to all OSU staff, students, and faculty with an OSU e-mail address. The winner will receive recognition and an event t-shirt featuring her/his design.

Our theme this year is the Web of Life, the myriad ways in which organisms are connected to one another and the natural world.

Be creative! We are looking for original designs that highlight the connectedness of organisms from across the tree of life. The design should include organisms from each of our collections: mites and ticks, animal sounds, insects, fishes, plants, clams and snails, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Read the detailed rules before you submit, only eligible entries can be considered.

Museum Open House artwork 2016 - Living Colors theme

Museum Open House artwork 2016 – Living Colors theme