Welcome to OSU Bio Museum, the Museum of Biological Diversity blog. The Museum houses most of the university’s biological collections. The specimens in the collections are used primarily for research, but they also play a key role in numerous undergraduate and graduate courses on campus and on our outreach activities.

Unlike other museums that you may have visited, we don’t have public exhibit areas. But, as part of our commitment to education and community outreach, we offer guided tours of the facility on an appointment basis. If you’re interested in that please send us an email (find address at the bottom of the page), or contact one of the curators to schedule a visit.
The OSU Bio Museum blog is envisioned as a venue where our curators, students, and scientists talk about curation and research, focusing on the issues of the day, exciting news, or just interesting stories and experiences.
Content will be updated twice a week, so if this subject interests you, please subscribe to the blog to receive notice when new posts are added.
Enjoy your visit!