Why is Mentoring Important?

Strong mentorship has been linked to enhanced mentee productivity, self-efficacy, career satisfaction, and is an important predictor of the academic success of scientists and engineers in training. This training is based on the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) which developed a curriculum based on proven mentorship development curricula. Participants will learn strategies, receive tools & resources, and participate in discussions that prepare them to be more effective at creating inclusive environments and supporting mentee development personally, professionally, and academically so they become independent researchers. 

These workshops are designed to provide content to help develop or enhance your mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from backgrounds similar and dissimilar to your own.   

Participating in this training can help you develop successful grant proposals. Federal funding agencies are calling for evidence-based development of mentoring skills as an important component of successful grant proposals. This professional development will count as service to the College and will qualify you for the Research Mentoring teaching endorsement from the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning and the Inclusive Excellence Certificate from the College.

As of the 2022-23 academic year, we will provide preference when making fellowship award decisions to any nominee whose faculty advisor has completed all 4 sessions of the Better Science Through Better Mentoring training or equivalent training through the Ohio State Mentoring Initiative (OSMI) or has completed at least two sessions by the end of the autumn semester. Faculty who complete two sessions in autumn to qualify for priority consideration but do not complete the remaining sessions by the end of the following spring semester will have the fellowship their nominee won returned to the college or department for reallocation.   

This type of preparation is required for faculty who plan to submit nominations for future President’s Postdoctoral Scholars Program awards, and those CoE faculty who have nominated, advise, or plan to nominate/advise College Allotted Graduate School and College of Engineering Fellowship students or have requested or received funding support for extramural proposals from the CoE Office of Research.