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Mentor Help

We have set up a group which you can use to submit questions regarding mentoring challenges that you may be facing and for which you would like to get some ideas and advice from the collective wisdom of the facilitator group.

How to use it?
Simply send an e-mail to We ask that you do not to reveal the identity of the mentee in your question. When somebody submits a question, one or more of the facilitators will reply.

Who is in the facilitator group?
Gunjan Agarwal, PhD
College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Marcela Hernandez, PhD
Assistant Dean of Faculty Affairs and Recruitment
College of Engineering

Jane Jackman, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Rachel Garshick Kleit, PhD
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professor of City and Regional Planning (CRP)
College of Engineering
Knowlton School of Architecture

Thomas J. Magliery, PhD, MBA
Associate Professor
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

David Penneys, PhD
Associate Professor
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics

La’Tonia Stiner-Jones, PhD, MBA
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Associate Professor of Practice
College of Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Noah Weisleder, PhD
College of Medicine
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology