Being apart of the Stadium Scholars Program, you are required to obtain at least 6 community service events and being a part of the Biological Sciences Scholars Program, you need to have a minimum of 10 community service hours. Because of these requirements and my dedication to helping better serve my community, I have be actively engaged in achieving these requirements and going over what is needed.
Some of the major events that I have participated in during my freshman year here at The Ohio State University have been Community Commitment, BuckeyeThon, and MLK Day Of Service. Between these 3 events, I have served about 20 hours of community service. Not only these, but I have also made shoes for children in third world countries, capes for children with pediatric cancers, and cleaning up an elementary school’s playground.
Helping the community is a very important job for me because the better the world is, the better that less people have to worry about not being to survive. If more people would donate their time to this, the world could become a much better place.