One Health Summer Institute, Ethiopia

The Global One Health initiative’s annual One Health Summer Institute is taking place May-August 2019. In July, Dr. Amanda Berrian traveled to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to deliver a workshop on “Wildlife Conservation and Epidemiology.” Participants included faculty, students, and professionals from the University of Gondar, Haramaya University, and the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority.

Dr. Berrian’s session used a One Health approach to explore health and disease dynamics at the human-wildlife interface. Participants used case studies to understand complexities of wildlife health and conservation, including pathogen transmission dynamics, human dimensions and a changing environment. Participants had the opportunity to discuss regional wildlife health issues and develop One Health solutions considering appropriate stakeholders.

Einstein College of Medicine Global Health Conference: “Applications of the One Health Approach to Global Health Centers”

Dr. Berrian shared highlights of One Health activities at The Ohio State University at this event, held at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York on December 3-4. The conference provided a unique opportunity for representatives from diverse fields to disseminate and integrate their expertise with the intention of putting forth a prescription for One Health education and capacity building.

OSU-CDC Visit Day

Twelve OSU DVM and MPH students traveled to Atlanta to explore career opportunities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Dr. Amanda Berrian leads student trip to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

“The OSU-CDC Visit Day is such a unique opportunity because it is specifically created with our students’ background and professional goals in mind. OSU alumni who are now in positions at CDC, namely Drs. Sherry Burrer and Mark Laughlin, helped us create an agenda that provided a comprehensive yet intimate look at careers and training opportunities with the CDC. The OSU focus provided networking and engagement opportunities not otherwise possible with larger events, and the inclusion of veterinary and public health students emphasized the One Health concept that will shape their careers,” said Berrian.