Issue Selection


The issue I have decided to explore is litter.  Ooooh, you’re thinking, how original (sarcastically at that).  However, I am going to be focusing on cigarette butts and how people don’t regard them as trash.  Originally, I was debating on researching and attempting to help remedy either bee colony depletion or the widespread loss of monarch butterflies.  Thankfully, I was walking back from class one day and saw a street corner absolutely littered with cigarette butts.  It made me think about why people think it is okay to just throw those wherever they please.  I think this impacted me the most because I realized how people think cigarette butts aren’t bad for the environment, so they simply throw them wherever, regardless of the proximity of a receptacle.  I did a little bit of research on litter and cigarette butts and I found out that cigarettes make up nearly 38 percent of all collected litter1.  This means an estimated 1.69 billion pounds of cigarette butts “wind up as toxic trash” a year2.

I think the hardest part about this project is going to be spreading the word.  Throwing cigarette butts on the ground is such a common practice among the 5.6 trillion, and counting, smokers world wide3.  I think word of mouth and social media could be very helpful in this aspect of getting the word out.  I also think that to effectively explore my issue I will simply need a computer.  It’s amazing how much can be done on this.  I can’t wait for the future steps of this experiment and I am really going to try to make a difference.



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