
Keys to Online Success (ESLTECH 2011) has been a great and informative class over the past 6 weeks. For me, I had always tried to be an organized person – always trying to keep my notes and weeks organized so I would not get confused with my assignments and other events I had going on. This course has shown me great ways to stay organized so that I do not fall behind on my assignments. My first takeaway from the course are definitely the websites/apps used to stay organized. With the help of a few tools and instruction videos, the online and applications used to stay organized helped significantly. I still use the website Trello and the app Study Scheduler each week to ensure that my week is planned out with no faults. Next, these apps have shown me when and where I like to study/complete work. I found that in the right environment, my study habits changed in a beneficial way, and I now know where I prefer to study and the environment I like to study in. Lastly, one of the most beneficial aspects of this course is the way that all of the students interact with each other. I can confidently say that I have learned a lot from the discussion boards that take place every week, and that communication is key when it comes to learning new material. By comparing differing opinions, it became easier to understand the content we were being taught, and was extremely beneficial when it came to learning how others study. I believe that with the right environment, the right organization skills, and the right amount of communication, anyone can be successful when it comes to being successful online.