Update and Most Recent Trip

The blog has not been active lately, as I haven’t been out in the field due to the semester and classes and such. However, now that the semester is over, I am finally able to give an update of what has been going on, and what some upcoming plans are. First off, in two weeks I will be embarking on a study abroad trip to Costa Rica, where I hope to add approximately 200 species to my life list in just under 11 days. I am currently studying up on identifying features, calls, and other characteristics to help me maximize my identification time while out of country. In the United States however, I am currently attempting to find a way up to Magee Marsh, near Toledo, to take part in the festival currently going on up there, while simultaneously trying to figure out a plan for this upcoming Saturday, which happens to be the second annual Global Big Day. Fingers crossed all goes well!

The most recent trip I did was not actually planned at all, and instead happened out of the blue when just walking through a metro park up in Toledo. No new birds were spotted, however we did get some beautiful looks at an Indigo Bunting and some Goslings. If you would like to see the full list, as always check out it out here.

Happy Birding!

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