Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building, 2548 Carmack Rd, Columbus, OH 43210
9:30 Coffee and AM refreshments
10:00 Welcome, introductions and housekeeping, Denise Ellsworth
10:15 Jamie Strange, Strange Lab project update
10:45 Chia Lin and Reed Johnson, honey bee research update
11:15 Introduce Janna Thompson-Chordas, Academic Program Coordinator
11:30 Kayla Perry, Forest Entomology program update
11:45 Ellen Danford, specialist bees and Perennials for Pollinators research update
12:05 Program sharing
Amber Barnes | Pollinator Partnership | ab@pollinator.org |
Pam Bennett | State MGV Program/Clark County | bennett.27@osu.edu |
Michele Bouquet | Madison County Master Gardener Volunteer | Micbouq@yahoo.com |
Joe Carter | Chadwick Arboretum | jcarte@columbus.rr.com |
Petra Schmalbrock | Chadwick Arboretum | petmafra@gmail.com |
Catherine Herms | OSU Secrest Arboretum | herms.3@osu.edu |
Dianne Kadonaga | FCMGV, Pollinator Specialization Advocate | sunnyglenwellness@gmail.com |
Randy Katz | Summit Master Gardener, County Apiary Inspector | randy.steven.katz@Gmail.com |
Claudia Khourey-Bowers | Central Ohio Beekeepers Association | claudiakhoureybowers@gmail.com |
Cheryl Sims | MGV Franklin County | ggsims13@outlook.com |
Jamie Walters | President ~ Ohio State Beekeepers Association | j.walters1054@yahoo.com |
Logan Minter introduction, research and IPM program including Ohio Trees for Pollinators
Blooms for Mason Bees webinar, 2/28/24@1PM
Plant by Numbers: native plants, growing steps and sample designs to support pollinators
1:00 Lunch, City Barbeque
Time to meet and greet —
Jeni Filbrun, United Titanium Bug Zoo (on the Wooster campus)
Jeni Ruisch, Insectary and BUGmobile (based out of the Columbus campus)
2:00 Visit to Rothenbuhler Bee Lab (optional) or Safe trip home (not optional)
Central Ohio Beekeepers Association | Bob Bowers | bbowers53@att.net |
Central Ohio Beekeepers Association | Winnie Williams | |
Central Ohio Beekeepers Association | Claudia Khourey-Bowers | |
Chadwick Arboretum volunteer | Joe Carter | jcarte@columbus.rr.com |
Chadwick Arboretum volunteer | Petra Schmalbrock | petmafra@gmail.com |
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden | Mark Plucinski | plucinmd@miamioh.edu |
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden | Jerome Stenger | |
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden | Gertrude Lorenz | |
Clark County Extension | Beth Brooks | brooks.1320@osu.edu |
Clark County, HCS | Tony Dobbesl | dobbels.1@osu.edu |
Coshocton County Extension | Chris Allen | allen.236@osu.edu |
EEOB graduate student | Lizzy Sakulich | |
Entomology PhD Student, Strange Lab | Liam Whiteman | |
Entomology post-doctoral researcher, Strange Lab | Pinar Barkan | barkan.24@osu.edu |
Entomology PhD Student, Strange Lab | Dante Centuori | |
Entomology graduate student, Gardiner Lab | Carlee Shepard | |
Entomology PhD Student, Strange Lab | Brooke Donzelli | |
Entomology, ESGP graduate student | Michelle Pham | pham.457@osu.edu |
Entomology post-doctoral scholar, Strange Lab | Mo Christman | christman.181@osu.edu |
Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) | Joe Lansing | toborjl@sbcglobal.net |
Franklin County MGV | Cheryl Sims | ggsims13@outlook.com |
Franklin County MGV | Steve Herminghausen | |
Franklin County MGV, Pollinator Specialization Advocate | Dianne Kadonaga | |
HCS Weed Ecology Lab, Wooster | Roger Downer | downer.2@osu.edu |
Hort and Crop Science | Milagro Vasquez | vasquez.205@osu.edu |
Lorain County Extension | Thomas Becker | becker.643@osu.edu |
Madison County Master Gardener Volunteer | Michele Bouquet | Micbouq@yahoo.com |
Madison County Master Gardener Volunteers | Sue Cline | |
Medina County Extension | Ashley Kulhanek | kulhanek.5@osu.edu |
Miami County Extension | Amanda Bennett | bennett.709@osu.edu |
Montgomery County ANR Educator | Leeoria Willis | willis.615@osu.edu |
Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) | Mark Miller | Memnavr@gmail.com |
OCVN, volunteer pollinator specialist | Alesia Miller | |
OCVN, volunteer pollinator specialist | Susan Moore | Birdtracks@att.net |
ODNR, volunteer pollinator specialist | Kelley Capuzzi | Dragonet13@gmail.com |
Ohio State Beekeepers Association | Roger Myers | |
Ohio State Beekeepers Association, president | Jamie Walters | |
Osmia Bee Company, bee enthusiast | Justina Block | justina@osmiabee.com |
OSU Chadwick Arboretum | Anna Williamson | williamson.596@osu.edu |
OSU Chadwick Arboretum | Pam Poeth | poeth.3@osu.edu |
OSU Entomology/Extension, pollinator education | Denise Ellsworth | ellsworth.2@osu.edu |
OSU Secrest Arboretum | Catherine Herms | herms.3@osu.edu |
OSU Secrest Arboretum | Paul Snyder | snyder.1062@osu.edu |
OSU Secrest Arboretum | Jason Veil | Veil.11@osu.edu |
OSU Pesticide Safety Education Program | Mary Ann Rose | Rose.155@osu.edu |
OSU Pesticide Safety Education Program, retired | Joanne Kick-Raack | kickraack@gmail.com |
Pollinator Partnership | Amber Barnes | ab@pollinator.org |
Ross County Extension, ANR Educator | Ryan Slaughter | slaughter.71@osu.edu |
Seneca county Master Gardener | Susan Nighswander | sjnnigh55@gmail.com |
State MGV Program/Clark County | Pam Bennett | bennett.27@osu.edu |
Summit County Master Gardener, County Apiary Inspector | Randy Katz | |
Volunteer pollinator specialist | Carolyn L Hufford | chufford@gmail.com |
Wayne County Extension | Frank Becker | becker.587@osu.edu |