At this stage two final designs needed to be created for final testing. These two new designs are elaborated and altered versions the sketches that were created in lab 1. One of the prototypes was a propeller powered monorail. This idea was a modified version of the original example monorail from lab 1. The changes made were the placements of the part holding the wheels as well as the the position of the Arduino, these changes were made because originally the cart was no balanced and leaned backwards messing up the code. The new set up made the piece holding the wheels towards the front and moved the Arduino to the back of the cart. The new set up is shown in the picture below.
The second design that was made was a motorized wheel design. This design created two new parts, one which was a new piece to hold the wheels but also would hold the motor to be able to connect it to the wheel. The other part was a new wheel this wheel is similar to the original wheel with just a smaller center hole so it would be able to perfectly fit on the motor and also was created slightly deeper to be able to add traction and then still be the same depth as the original wheel. The wheel design is shown in the picture below.
By the end of the lab the design that was chosen to move on for further testing is the motorized wheel design. It was found the wheel design only used 3.8 watts of power while the propeller model used 19 watts making the motorized wheel five times more efficient than the propeller. Since efficiency is a priority because of the limited access to energy it was clear that the motorized wheel design was the best choice.