Lab 4

The process of lab 4 was to gain familiarity with the wheel sensors. A way to track the distance the AEV has traveled is to use a sensor that counts how many ticks the wheel has made. One revolution of the wheel makes 8 ticks and then it was also known that one revolution of the wheel is 3.9 inches. This information would be used to program the AEV for later code in the lab, but for the first part of the lab the code was given. This lab is to just demonstrate the use of the sensors and get familiar with how the AEV moves and stops while using the various codes that use distance.

Once the initial code was run and observed a code was created that ran on the flat part of the monorail track. This code was to practice writing the code using the new commands that use the sensor. The code is written in terms of tick marks collected by the sensor. A picture of the code created is listed below as well as a picture of the sensors used for the AEV.

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