Reserve your spot today!
Ohio State University Extension will offer a Cow/ Calf workshop in Millersburg, Ohio, at Paint Valley Farms on Friday, February 7, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. The cost is $15 per person, and to RSVP, please call the Holmes County Extension Office at 330-674-3015.
Reproduction and genetics are important factors for a cow-calf operation. The Long-term investment in genetics plays a critical role in developing and managing a herd to ensure longevity. Join OSU Extension in Holmes County to discuss and demonstrate the practices that you might apply on your farm to improve your operation by optimizing reproduction and cow-calf profitability.
Topics covered will include breeding season management, post-drought pasture management, EPDs for herd improvement, Synchronization Strategies, Bull Evaluation, and a Facilities tour at Paint Valley Farms.
Limited to first 50 attendees to RSVP.
Lunch and printed materials are included with the registration fee.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Janessa Hill Holmes County ANR Educator at hill.1357@osu.edu or call the office at 330-674-3015.