– Dean Kreager, OSU Extension Ag and Natural Resources Educator, Licking County

Going 100% A.I. is possible but takes dedication to details.
With only 10% of beef herds in the United States utilizing Artificial Insemination (A.I.), from time to time the discussion arises on whether it is worth doing on small beef farms. In some situations, this is an easy answer while in other situations it is not so clear cut. Some herds are operated with the goal of producing superior offspring. Others are trying to get income from land that is not suitable for other purposes, and they want to do it with minimal labor. Both are worthy goals but the use of A.I. only fits one of the two situations.
Why use A.I.?
There are many possible reasons, but I will just discuss three here.
The first is genetic improvement. Whether you are raising purebred cattle and tracking EPD’s or raising show cattle and looking at phenotype, A.I. opens the door to using the top genetics in the country. For $20 to $50 per straw you can purchase semen on nearly any bull. You also have the option to purchase semen from a variety of sires to improve your genetic diversity. Can you afford more than one Continue reading Artificial Insemination with a Small Beef Herd