Reseeding Workshop, Thursday

Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County, OSU Extension

Noble County OSU Extension and the Noble County Soil and Water Conservation District will host a Pasture Reseeding Workshop from 6-8 p.m. at the Eastern Agricultural Research Station (16870 Bond Ridge Road, Caldwell) on August 8. We invite all pasture and hay managers in the Noble County area to attend this free program. It includes a light dinner, presentations on equipment, seed selection, site preparation, and implementation. Call OSU Extension to RSVP at 740-732-5681 or email by August 6.

Representatives from OSU Extension and SWCD will help you come up with ideas for remediating areas damaged by this year’s chronic wet conditions. August is a great time to reseed, overseed, or interseed pastures for multiple reasons.

  1. Soil conditions are dryer, which gives you better opportunities to prepare the seedbed.
  2. You have an opportunity to control actively growing weeds prior to seeding.
  3. Temperatures are warm enough to induce seed germination and will cool as we head into autumn. This allows for good root and leaf growth before winter.

You may feel limited when it comes to forages that can work in your operation, but there could be many options to explore that could open new doors for you. Along with traditional perennials, there are also many annual forages that could be planted this fall to extend your grazing season into winter.

Come out to the farm on Thursday night to learn more about what options exist for you to improve your pastures this growing season and beyond.

You may print this flyer as your reminder.