– John F. Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator
The third session of the 2016 Ohio Beef Cattle School is coming up next week. It is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16 and will begin at 7:00 p.m. The final program will bring the series will to an appropriate conclusion as it will be devoted to the endpoint of the beef production chain and how carcass fabrication and different beef traits create value in the eyes of the consumer.
Dr. Lyda Garcia, Assistant Professor of Meat Sciences at The Ohio State University, will be the featured speaker for this final session. Garcia will begin her presentation by describing the characteristics that establish yield and quality grade differences and how they impact consumer satisfaction. She will demonstrate carcass fabrication into primal and sub-primal cuts and discuss how quality and yield differences establish beef values.
Dr. Francis L. Fluharty, Research Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University, will provide the wrap-up for the entire School. He will highlight some of the challenges facing beef producers in our region in the near future, remind us to stay focused on the important management issues to remain profitable, and emphasize the importance of meeting the needs of today’s consumer.
The 2016 Ohio Beef Cattle School is being offered at 28 locations across Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, and New York. To find the host location nearest to you, go to the OSU Extension Beef Team’s web site at: http://go.osu.edu/BeefHosts . For additional information, contact John Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator, at: Office: 740-289-2071, Ext. #242, Fax: 740-289-4591, Cell: 937-763-6000, E-mail: grimes.1@osu.edu. The OSU Extension Beef Team hopes you will be able to join us for the final session of this informative program.