Evaluate The Bee Short Course here!
May 2021, Session 1
Randy Mitchell, The University of Akron
Bee Botany 101 (recording here , plus this bee and flower video segment)
* please note: Randy’s videos refused to cooperate for the live webinar. He recorded a separate short segment (bee and flower video) to show the action.
June, Session 2
Jamie Strange, The Ohio State University
Melittology 101: An Intro to Bee Science (recording here)
July, Session 3
Olivia Carril, author and biologist
BeeSearch: The Art and Science of Studying Wild Bees (recording here)
Research papers shared by Olivia Carril 7/21
August, Session 4
Heather Holm, author and biologist
Insect Photography and Using iNaturalist to Observe and Document Wild Bees (recording here)
September, Session 5
Sam Droege, USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab
Chat transcript Sam Droege webinar 9/21
Mortality During Bee Sampling by Sam Droege (Why do bee scientists kill bees?)
iNaturalist and bee databases, a comparison by Sam Droege
Check out The Handy Bee Manual, the quintessential reference for bee enthusiasts!
Find more Sam Droege links and products on the Resources page!
October, Session 6
Mary Gardiner, The Ohio State University Department of Entomology
Contributions of Community Science to Entomology: Benefits for People and Nature (recording here)
Session 7, November 19
Matthew Shepherd, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
From Community Science to Advocacy in Action: Case Studies in Conservation (recording here)
Matthew’s reflections on two decades of pollinator conservation (MS blog post 6/21)