Efficiency in the Digital Age Blog Post

The most useful thing I took from this weeks module is learning the tell tail signs of procrastination and how to deal with it with certain techniques when it comes to procrastination a way to overcome procrastination provided in the slides is to avoid multi tasking so you can just focus at the task at hand. Not multi tasking can help you only work on what you need to get done first so you can finish it faster and move onto other things. I have put this into practice today by only focusing on this blog post and avoiding multi tasking this worked out well as I finished the task. An idea from this module I can put in practice is breaking down large tasks so I’m not doing it right before the deadline. The way I could do this is not waiting till the last minute to start a big project and spreading out my time. Advice I would give to my student peers is make sure you don’t wait till the last minute if you know something will take a long time and another thing is staying clear of multi tasking and only focusing on one thing at once.

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

The most useful thing I learned in this module is how to write proper emails to professors. I’ve always been one to struggle with finding the right words when writing a good email to professors and keeping it professional and respectful. I think a lot of students could take something from learning. Something I’ve already put into practice is not using all caps when writing to people as it makes you sound angry especially when texting someone it can make you seem like you’re mad. Something from this module I could use in the future is the tactics for dealing with group members as I have had issues with some groups in the past which happens to everyone there always seems to be that one person that is not pulling their weight. I would put this in practice by communicating with my group members on who needs to do what so we all have a job. Advice I would give to other students based on this module is learning how to communicate with your peers and professors can be vital when making connections and interacting with people online. This information can help you succeed when taking online classes like this one or for your future interactions with people in the real world.