Costa Rica – Day 9 – Travel home

Today is the flight home.  I’m both sorry and glad.  It was a fantastic trip and an experience that I’ll remember for a very long time.  It was also a great length for a trip like this.  We packed in a lot over a short period of time, yet we also had some down time.  At times there was a lot of rushing and at times a lot of waiting.  Each thing we did was great, and the trip was well worth the cost.  I definitely want to do another study abroad.  I was able to keep up with everyone despite packing too much.  Next time I will have a better idea of what to bring and what to leave at home, though I certainly did better than I would have without a packing list. If possible during the four years I’ll be getting this degree, I’d like to go abroad three times, possibly to Iceland or Australia.  At first it was a little awkward being among so many undergrads with such a large age difference, but the students on this trip were pretty mature, and the awkwardness fell away. Future trips will probably be in graduate programs, so there will be less of an age difference, but it will still be there.  Regardless, traveling abroad is so important that I want to go to as many different places as possible. Plus it’s so rewarding and fun. Thanks to the study abroad team for putting together an awesome spring break experience!

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