Artifact (2nd Year)

My Artifact for this year is a picture of my service site, the NNEMAP food pantry. Through my year of service project I got involved with NNEMAP back in September and have been volunteering on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 1:30. Volunteering at NNEMAP has been a great experience thanks to those I am working with and with how spending my time here has really brightened my weeks. With all the online work and isolation that I have faced over the past few months getting to expose myself to a new group of people and help those in need has really been helping me get through this semester and the pandemic

Artifact 2


My second artifact is about the new people I have been able to meet this new semester. An old friend from high school reached out and asked me about rushing his fraternity this year. In the beginning I was very skeptical since I never really wanted to be in a fraternity, but with meeting all the new guys when I went to one of the events I was really surprised by how they all acted. They all were so nice and accepting of all the people that were there and I was able to have some really good conversation with a few of them and my opinion of the stereo typical frat guy has really changed. I wanted to include this experience because it is a big part of my goal this semester to be more involved. My other goal this year is to be more committed to my academics and even the people there were offering to have me come study with them and give me tips on improving in the classroom. Overall my perspective really changed and I am excited to work hard and stay active this semester.

Year in Review

The first thing that comes to mind when I reflect about my first year at OSU has to be my change in diligence to my school work and to my personal relationships. School work was my main focus this past year and first semester was rough to say the least. I did fine in some classes, but fell below my mark in some other classes that I thought I would do well in. My attitude during winter break was pretty negative but once I got back to campus I made big changes to how I was doing my schoolwork and as of now my grades are much better than last semester’s which I am really proud of. I feel they other large aspect of my experience was meeting so many new people at OSU. With my friends in Mount, old friends, new friends I’ve met on campus, and now my new friends in the fraternity I plan to rush next fall it has been some amazing to meet so many new people but also very stressful. With meeting all these new people it was hard to keep in contact with my old friends who are at different schools now, having to juggle each other’s free time and be flexible enough to talk and meet. I am happy to say that my friends and I have been able to move past a lot of these obstacles and still stay in touch, which has really meant the world to me and has been such a good escape from stress and anxiety associated with OSU. After my first year on campus I feel a lot more confident and I am excited to see what comes in the next year with Mount, classes, and relationships.


For some of the activities I am involved right now include rushing Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity at
OSU, a sustained service project and keeping my grades up. If I decide to join Phi Sigma Kappa I want to become a leader within the organization, not sure what I want to lead yet but I would like to get involved. One of my other goals for my service is to continue working with my service site even after my project. I want to build bonds with those who I am working for and with and with the limited contact with those who I am serving I am hoping to stay with NNEMAP so I can meet those who I am serving.


Having recently just transitioned to Construction systems management I have just started to grasp all the opportunities of my major. One experience that particularly comes to mind when thinking about is when I was involved with FIRST Robotics in high school. Each year FIRST creates a game and tournaments for schools to construct a robot in 8 weeks and then compete in competitions around the world. With FIRST I was able to head construction on the robot as well as be co-driver. With First I was able to build my communication and delegation skills as well as organization and scheduling. With my career future in construction management and having to coordinate through multiple groups and contractors I feel my experience with FIRST robotics was a good introduction into a management role on a job site.




This artifact is a picture of the second service project that I’ve helped put together as a member of the service committee. So far through watching the second years I’ve learned a lot of how to schedule and operate service events and the time it takes to organize all the small details. Service has always been really important to me in my life and being part of service committee feels really rewarding, both by being mentored by the second years and with helping these organizations.

About Me

Hi my name is Aidan Beck, I’m a first year and I come from Worthington Ohio. I’m a pretty easy going person, I love to make people laugh and I always try to be as respectful as I can. In high school I loved learning about math and science and now want to maybe get a degree in engineering at OSU. I’m striving to have at least a 3.0 gpa and to really get involved at campus.

I’m the “i”