
Class Summary

Keys to online success brought forth many new tips and tricks to help bring exactly what the class says, online success. With that being said, here are some of the following tips I learned this semester.

1.) Setting a goal

While this seems like something you may just choose not to do, the benefits for setting one, outweigh the disadvantages. Making yourself a goal, a S.M.A.R.T goal to be exact, is a roadway to achieving what you need to do. Goals help you to stay on task, creating a timeline, that you can follow. This allows you to manage your time effectively. Remember though, keep focus on the big picture. Take one step at a time, and before you even know it, you will be closer then ever to achieving your dreams.

2.) Ask for help

While this maybe common sense and not a really a tip, a lot of people think that they are taking this class by themselves. Its the opposite though, as with being online, there’s an ease to communicate with others at anytime with a quick email. This being said, sometimes people think that since it is an online class, it is easier than the typical course, and you can overload your self with more than you can handle. Knowing your limit and how many classes fill that limit, without going over is imperative to doing good in an online class. Another thing is to know when to take a break. Whether you are studying or just doing homework, break things up to do throughout the week, giving yourself time to take a break and do other much important things in your life.

3.) Find what works for you

What I mean by this is to find your habits, or rather find what works for you. Maybe you like to hand write your class notes in a notebook or maybe you rather type out your notes. Whatever it is, stick to it. Find what works and keep doing that. When you switch back and forth, there’s an opportunity to lose information that you need to know. When it comes to studying, find a place that you go to every time you study and be organized with your notes. Putting yourself into the right mindset and being organized is half the battle to helping yourself retain info needed to do great on quizzes, tests and finals.