Overcoming Personal Adversity

Growing up, I was a pretty quiet and shy kid especially since I was raised by my father for the most part. He was in the military so my brother and I were taught through strict rules and punishments. This instilled politeness and respect for others, which resulted in my shyness. This shyness began to fade when I became decent at baseball because you had to be confident and intimidate your opponent to succeed. Today I am extremely competitive and hate losing at anything I do. Even with my competitiveness, I was still in my shell. This shell broke when I started school at OSU. I worked at the Wexner Cancer Hospital dealing with patient’s one on one all day everyday, which enhanced my people skills because I was forced to talk with everyone I met. The interpersonal skills that I learned at the hospital helped me get the job where I am currently dealing with young adults. I have continually been forced to take control of situations that I would not have normally taken control of due to my shyness. Stepping out of those boundaries at the hospital and in the youth correctional facility I work at has helped my further my career path and my future. For those who are close to me today, they know that I am not the shy, quiet, reserved kid I once used to be. I get comments from my family members all the time about how I used to be the most innocent little kid and how much I have grown up and progressed. If I wouldn’t have taken the leap of faith that I did to further my personal skills, I don’t think I would be in the position I am in today, about to graduate from THE Ohio State University with connections that will last a lifetime.

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