One Last Time

Hey Everyone,

I would like to thank you for reading this series of blogs, but all good things must come to an end so here we go. Coming into this course I was a real procrastinator almost a pro and I really believe it has affected my performance in all the courses I have taken. This course has shown me so much looking at how many different ways and strategies I can take to become a better student and online learner. Now as we end the series I believe these modules and this course has shown me what I have done wrong and be more self critical of the effort I put into my classes. This course has given me a way to think about how I can become a better studier and try to apply it.

Some of the most important things this module has taught me is the importance of organization. Through organization you are able to complete so much and take your time on those assignments. With organization you can easily find what you need to work on and where you are at in the class. Another important skill I was taught during this series was trying to schedule. Scheduling and organization can really be the difference maker in classes because they can ultimately end procrastination. Scheduling can help you lighten your daily work load and open up your day. The thing I learned the most about myself throughout this course was how terrible I have been with procrastination and even to this day and to this blog right now, you can say I have a hard time learning my lesson. However, I plan to apply this more next semester and rebound from all those times I have procrastinated. Another thing I have learned about myself is that I need to organize myself a time to not only study but to breakdown what I am going to study to become a better student.

The most meaningful experience throughout this course has easily been these series of blogs. It like a journal for the most part but I am talking to the instructor about these topics and what they taught me and how I can apply them. These blogs have allowed me to see how I grew as I approached this course and understood where I could improve from my past errors in classes. Something I will apply into my plan for classes in the future will to work on my skills as a student and improve those before I try to rush myself into a subject. So like in the modules stated working on being organized, schedule, use active reading, and online resources. This will help me understand what I am learning in a normal and really routine manner not feeling pressured or rushed when completing assignments.

Now, we have finally reached that point in which all things must come to a close. I would like to thank you again for those that read this and hope everyone has a good rest of the year!

One Last Time,

Ayman Bazar