Hey Everybody,
It’s Ayman again, we are crossing the finish line this semester but I still have another module to talk about and this time its focusing on searching and researching. Searching and researching skills are vital when becoming a skilled writer in college and even allow you to push further as an academic writer.
The most useful thing I have learned from this module was boolean logic. Boolean logic allows for more precise searches when researching by using boolean operators like: AND, OR, and NOT. When using these operators it helps narrow your search results. An example of a search with a boolean operator is “College success AND time spent studying”. Using this in a search engine looks for topics that are related to both college success and time spent studying instead of making two separate searches. Something I have already placed into practice from this module was using Google Scholar. Google Scholar finds scholarly articles from what you search and this is particularly useful because it is free and easy to use. Something I plan to put into use more would probably be the boolean operators because I saw how much they can narrow my searches.
From this module some advice I will give before I go is try and focus on becoming a better searcher to become a better researcher. The better you get as a searcher the more quality research you will be able to find.
Thank you again, see you guys next week!