Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

Hey Everyone,

Its Ayman Bazar, here again to let you know more about this weeks Module, Web Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies. In this module, I found a quite a bit of information to be very useful. The module teaches and new form of reading to help become both a better reader online and real life. This form of reading is known as active reading, when completing active reading you are interacting with the text may that be online or in person. Like highlighting important information or even making mnemonic deceives to help you memorize and recall the text you read. Something I have used in this weeks module is applying technology to boost my studying, I actually have a Chegg account which I use to see worked out problems to study and also complete textbook problems for review. Chegg also offers online tutoring which has been very helpful in my Engineering math class. One thing from this module that I actually should apply is active reading because with active reading I would be able to get more information that what is being taught to us in the class alone. I would be able to potentially recall more information from the text than before. This module was honestly very helpful due to the fact that it is so easily applied to what you are doing as a student.

Thanks for reading again friends,

Ayman Bazar