
Global Awareness:

As an honors student and a Political Science major, I will take courses that involve increasing my global awareness especially as it relates to political situations. This will include taking part in one of the study abroad programs offered at OSU or participating in and designing original research as it relates to the realm of politics and the world.

Original Inquiry:

As a part of my studies here at OSU, I will take advantage of the many professors who are actively working on original projects and need help from eager students like myself. I can use the information learned from helping on their projects and can apply it to an original project of my own when I decide to pursue one.

Academic Enrichment:

With a constantly changing political landscape in the world, there is always a lot to learn and to understand. That is why I am pursuing a major in Political Science. I will take many courses that help me better understand this changing landscape and in turn can allow me to apply my own thoughts and ideas to it through potential original research projects. My interest in politics has also led me to pursue a minor in Social Psychology because many of the ideas and concepts can be related to similar political phenomena. I want to invest a lot of my time in these fields and that is why I will take many courses at higher levels in order to gain the best knowledge I can from each of them.

Leadership Development:

While a student at OSU, I will take part in multiple student organizations on campus. This will allow me to meet people with similar interests as me and to participate in service work to better the community. By becoming an active member in these organizations and potentially creating my own, I have the ability to become a leader and to work on important leadership qualities that can even be applied to my field of interest in the future.

Service Engagement:

As a member in the Psychology Club, part of my initiative is actively participate in service activities in the community at OSU and outside of it. Another opportunity I will participate in is BuckeyeThon. Organizations like this will help raise awareness and allow me participate in service opportunities to help the community at large. All of these opportunities will provide me with experiences for the betterment of the community and for my own self development.

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