
digital note taking

There is any reasons why digital note taking is good. Students will be able to take notes faster when using a laptop. by typing your notes you will recall them better later one.

Five components of a SMART goal

There is 5 components of a smart goal. The first was is specific. this means goals are well defined. The second one is measurable. put numbers in your goals so you know if your on track. The third one is attainable. you can always dream big but keep one foot in reality. The fourth one is relevant. These are achievabale  goals. The last one is Time Based. chose a time frame to accomplish your goal.

How to deal with procrastination

There is a lot you can do to deal with procrastination. First you can reward yourself by completing a task. you can minimize distractions. You can set up a time to do whatever you need to do when you are going to be alone so you won’t get distracted.