MGV Minutes for November 9, 2023

I.          Opening

a.   Welcome & Pledge of Allegiance (Veteran Volunteers and spouses) – Bob recognized the veterans and their spouses for their service and sacrifices they have contributed toward our freedom. Marilyn read a heartfelt letter honoring all veterans for their service and sacrifices they made for keeping America strong and free.

b.   Special Speaker – Kristen introduced our OSU staff speaker, Alex, who did a presentation at the end of the meeting on Team Building.


II.        Reports

a.   Officer Reports

i.      Secretary Recording – Kathy C & Marie B

ii.    Co. Coordinator – Pam B (State Awards Report) – Pam showed us an award sticker for this year to be applied to our existing award’s plaque. Pam told us we won a $100 cash award for Invasive Species, (featured at the Canfield Fair) and another $100 cash award for our Veggies and More/Good Nature Garden Partners program.

b.   Committee Reports

i.      Plant and Pest Clinic – David S.

The clinic review is scheduled for November 20th and MGV officers are welcome to attend. The clinic is in winter hours and mostly answering questions now. Email if you are planning to attend the review.

ii.    Community Outreach – Thresea H reported we will use a patriotic theme for the Christmas tree at Fellows Gardens. Thresea asked to have a subcommittee for decorating the Christmas Tree. The plan is to decorate the tree on November 29th at 10am.

Lois expressed sympathy on the passing of one of our MGVs, Maggie Wellington, and has prayer cards from her services.

iii.   Education – Stephanie B told us we now have 7 educational kits. The kits are kept in a storage closet near the office kitchen. Some of the kits are incomplete. We will have a sign-up sheet to keep track of the kits. Stephanie asked if anyone has another one of our educational kits to bring it to the office to be cataloged. Stephanie said she believes we have more kits that have not been located as yet. She said a list of the kits available for MGV training and speaker use will be completed soon.

iv.   Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Mike B – The Wreaths for Veterans will be on Saturday, December 2 at 10am at Canfield Cemetery, 315 E Main St, Canfield. Mike asked for MGVs to be there at 8:30am to put tags on the wreaths. American Legion Post will present a ceremony with our Chester K as speaker. This event will be held regardless of weather.

c.   Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen

i.      HOC Connect Open HouseàDecember 12th from 9 am to 6 pm. Kristen asked those attending to bring their username and password. You may bring your own laptops, iPads to use. We were reminded again to enter our MGV hours by Dec. 31 into HOC. Please enter HOC hours ASAP!

ii.    Each MGV in attendance received an invite to the MGV Banquet to be held on January 11th at A La Carte restaurant at 6:30. Doors open at 6pm. Kristen will mail invites to those not in attendance. Please RSVP by Dec.18.

iii.   Get ready for Elections:  Kristen described the duties of the officers and Leadership Team members as well as reviewing qualifications and terms of service.

iv.   Expectations of Committees – Chairs Responsibilities: Bob E. reviewed the MGV Committee chairpersons’ responsibilities/guidelines. Committee descriptions were also read.

v.    Kristen passed out the MGV Survey for 2024 for us to complete on the strengths and suggestions for the MGV program. If you want a response from the office, please put your name on the form. Kristen said the surveys can be put in the box when turned in tonight. The surveys may also be taken home and returned to the office before our December meeting begins. There will also be an online version of the survey in the December Newsletter. Please try to get the survey returned soon so the results can be included in our program review scheduled for the December MGV meeting.


III.      Business and Discussion

a.    Nominations for Officers and Chairperson

President: Pam Baytos, Bob Eister

Vice President:  Stephanie Barkay

Recording Secretary:  Co-secretaries:  Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa

Communications Liaison: Co-liaisons:  Marilyn McKinley and Kary Shively

Bring One Take One: Co-Chairs:  Debbie Tominey and Ryan Emmet-Luchansky

Canfield Fair: Jim Zeleznik

Community Outreach: Co-chairs: Thresea Harris and Lois Martin-Uscanowski

Education: Co-chairs: Karen Gates and Mariann Mannion

Garden Conference:  Co-chairs: Marianna Eister and Jim Merva

Hospitality: Co-Chairs: Natalie Fraser, Peg Zeleznik, and Rhonda Harris

Pollinator Gardens:  Co-Chairs: Gail Siembida, Pinky Steffen, and Marge Greenisen

Plant and Pest Clinic:  David Sprague

OSU Grounds: Co-Chairs:  Mike Beaudis and Paula Kohler

Recruitment and Retention:  Co-Chairs: Bob Eister and Bob Ferguson

Veterans:  Co-Chairs: Mike Beaudis, Chester Kaschak, and Al Leonhart

(Kristen will arrange for online voting as we did previously)

IV.     Planning

a.   Future Action R&R- January 16 Open House -Bob E reviewed the MGV position list used in the September Open House. He asked those who helped previously to confirm their willingness to assist in the January event and urged us to place it on our calendars. He also reminded us that there will be an R&R Zoom Meeting on Tuesday, December 5th 7:30 pm.

b.   Future Training Objectives

PowerPoint Slideshow Creation Class

Projector-Computer Troubleshooting Class

*If you have a topic you would like to see next year, please email Kristen.

V.       Adjourn

Note: *** Following the MGV business meeting we had a fun team-building and personality activity led by Alex!


 Wednesday, November 15th,  6:00PM à Mahoning County Master Gardeners 2023 Garden Art Series.

Topic: Holiday Containers

Saturday, December 2nd at 10 a.m. à Wreaths for Veterans – Canfield Cemetery – 315 E Main Street, Canfield, OH 44406

 Tuesday, December 5TH, 6:00PM à Garden Art Series

Topic: Holiday Centerpiece

Tuesday, December 5th 7:30 pm à Next R&R Meeting Date: Zoom

Wednesday, December 6TH, 6:00PM à Garden Art Series

Topic: Holiday Centerpiece

Sunday, December 31st à Hours MUST be entered in Hands on Connect

Thursday, January 11th Doors open at 6 pm à MGV Banquet at A La Carte

Tuesday, January 16th from 3 pm to 5 pm à Next MGV Open House Date:

Snow Date: Thursday, January 18th from 3 pm to 5 pm

 Submitted by Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa, secretaries.

MGV Minutes for October 12, 2023

I.  Opening and Pledge of Allegiance – President Bob Eister welcomed us and recognized all MGVs that are Educators by having them stand. These Educators led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

a.   Secretary Recording – Kathy Costa & Marie Belfast

b.   Committee Chairperson Reports

i.      Pam B – Co Coordinator Upcoming art series classes and what materials will be needed.   Pam requested the need for greenery cut to 12-to-20-inch lengths for two upcoming holiday container classes in November. The classes are on Nov.8 and Nov.15. Materials may be brought to the office on the Mondays before the classes (Nov.6 and Nov.13). Please leave greenery outside of office to prevent any sticky sap in building. There will be another holiday centerpiece class in December. Pam also announced that Continuing Education Units Zoom programs are back and can be accessed by going to: These are the 2023-2024 Hort. Happy Hour and Lunch and Learn Webinar Series classes.

ii.    Community Outreach –Thresea H & Lois M –U – Thresea Harris said there has not yet been an announcement of a theme for this year’s Christmas tree decorations at the Fellow Gardens. If you are on her committee, please contact her to let her know by calling, not emailing. This year the tree will cost $70. She is planning to decorate on either Nov. 29 or 30.

iii.   Hospitality – Peg Z- Please call Peg to sign up for food donations for next month’s classes. We were encouraged to take food safety course (especially new members). OQC class Info was on a handout at the meeting and is available online.

iv.    Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L, Chester K & Mike B.  – Mike announced that the ceremony for the Wreaths Program will take place at 10am at the Canfield main cemetery on Rt 224. Please arrive by 8:30am to help put tags on the wreaths. Enter through the first drive and pull into the back where parking is provided. Al said they are still waiting on daffodil bulbs which will be planted near the Log Cabin at the fairgrounds. Chester said that a new roof has been installed on the cabin.


II.        MGV Officers Business

a.  Bob reported the initial 2023 September Recruitment & Retention MGV Open House was held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm.) We had 20 RSVP s and they all came to meet us. We also had 7 people walk in. Exit comments from the attendees were very positive. Thanks for all who contributed to making this event so successful.  Bob informed us a retention call list will be sent out on October 23rd, just to give those that have the hours completed time to enter them into the Hands on Connect (HOC) system. Kristen needs time to review our hours entered into the HOC system. Those needing help entering completed hours can go to Hands on Connect help day. This is on Dec 12 from 9am-6pm. Eric approved IPM credit for reading IPM Vindy articles and the BY&G articles for our Continuing Educations hours.

b.   Bob discussed the expectations, duties and qualifications of Committee Chairs and Officers for 2024 – A handout was provided at the meeting providing the duties of officers and committee chairs as well as qualifications for these positions. The offices of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary and Communications Liaison serve for 2 consecutive years.  Marilyn M. and her team is in need of new members to help with the state awards committee. Stephanie B. (Education Committee) requests all Education training kits be returned to the office if you have any of them.


III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric

  • MGV Nominations will be taken at the November meeting. Voting will follow via an online survey.

  • There is an online survey in your October Newsletter to submit topics that you would like education on in 2024. Eric needs Vindy articles. Eric reported that Spotted Lanternfly has been seen in our area. If you see a Spotted Lanternfly, notify the office. You will need a picture or the Spotted Lanternfly to verify it. Kristen is working on Power Point education, 101 and 102.

  • Please continue to enter your hours in Hands on Connect, they are due December 31st. There is a Hands on Connect help day on December 12thfrom 9:00 am to 6:00pm.

IV.  Misc. Items for Discussion

a.   Discussion on OSU Approved MGV yard sign. – If you would like an OSU MGV yard sign, notify Jim M.

The sign would say “An OSU Master Gardener Volunteer lives here” then show the logo. Costs below quoted by one local printer. 24×18 Full Color Yard Signs (Double sided / stakes included) QTY 5- $15 each, 10- $12 each, 20- $10 each and 50- $9 each.

b.   Field trips – Paula K would like to help coordinate some possible Day or Overnight Trips next year. Bus or POV? Maybe both.

What about private car pool garden tours? Pass to Education committee for full consideration and cost estimates.


V.  Adjournment


a.     Next R&R Meeting Date: Zoom, Tuesday, December 5th 7:30 pm

b.    Next Open House Date: Tuesday, January 16th from 3 pm to 5 pm

– Snow Date: Thursday, January 18th from 3 pm to 5 pm

Submitted by Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa

MGV Minutes for September 14, 2023

I. Opening and Pledge of Allegiance: President Bob Eister led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence followed in remembrance of 911. Master Gardeners that were former law enforcement officers, corrections or served in law and those who served as 1st responders were asked to stand as they were recognized for their service.
  A. Secretary Recording – Kathy C & Marie B
  B. Committee Chairperson Reports
   1. Canfield Fair Review– Jim Zeleznik thanked all those involved in making our MGV display at the fair creative and informative. He also thanked all those that helped by working at our exhibit to make it a huge success.
  2. Bring One Take One – Kristen & Eric – Bob
Bob E. reviewed the BOTO event that took place August 12th. The plant and treasure sale took place from 9 am to 12 pm. The plant exchange bell rang at 10 am with good participation. He thanked MGVs for their donated plants as most were sold. The garden art was amazing. Feedback by the public said it was a positive, fun experience for all those that participated. Kristen announced that $808 was reported for sales at this event and will be used to support the MGV banquet.
3. Community Outreach –Thresea Harris & Lois Martin-Uscanowski- Lois thanked all MGVs that attended the Veggie and More Tours this summer. She said that the last one at Glenda House’s home was wonderful. Glenda’s gardens are a must see if you missed the tour this year at her place. Thresea left a note with the office stating that the Christmas Tree is going on this year, but she would not have more information until the next meeting. No theme has been decided yet.
4. Hospitality – Peg Zeleznik and Natalie Fraser – Desserts are requested for the upcoming Sept.27 Open House and Oct. 10th Morning with the Masters events. A sign-up sheet was passed around. Let them know if you can help and were not present at the meeting.
5. County Coordinator –Pam Baytos- Please let Pam know if you have any ideas or videos to post on the state website that show our events and committee activities. Pam thought we could display the awards we have received at our open house. Marilyn McKinley volunteered to help Pam with this display.
6. Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L, Chester K & Mike B-
Mike thanked all involved with their help in keeping the OSU Extension grounds looking good especially for the commissioners’ meeting and fair. He also thanked John Schoeni for repairing a bench. Mike said our Veteran Wreath event on Sat. Dec, 2 at 10am will be at the Canfield Cemetery on Rt 224. We do have the necessary funds now for the wreaths. Al Leonhart announced and thanked all those that helped with the grounds around the Log Cabin at the fairgrounds. Daffodils will be planted in late October.

II. MGV Officers New Business
A. R&R MGV Planning meeting for the next Open House will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 20th at 7:30 pm.
The initial 2023 September R&R MGV Open House will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm.
R&R OH Duty Signup Sheet – Bob requested volunteers for each of the positions for the Open House. See the attachment Event Plan for MGV Open House. All the volunteers for the Open House were invited to attend the next R&R committee meeting on September 20 at 7:30 pm. During the meeting we reviewed the video that will be shown in an endless loop during the open house. If anyone has additional pictures to add to the video, contact Peg G.
B. Ed Kits and PowerPoint training – Kristen asked us to let her know our educational needs for the powerpoint presentation that is being developed for the MGVs. She asked us to put the information on a piece of paper and put them in a box for our suggestions.

III. OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen
A. MGV Apparel arrived at the OSU Extension Office – Kristen asked us to take home any apparel or other items with our name on it.
B. Speaking opportunities
1. The Gasser Chair Company are very interested in our assistance to start a community garden possibly with raised beds.
2. Fellows Riverside requested a fall presentation in October.
3. A church in Youngstown requested education in May of 2024 on planting and growing. Stephanie H volunteered.
C. Kristen said she will be doing HOC training in December. Please continue to update your hours in the system in a timely manner.
She also asked us to write down questions that we had before, during or as interns of the MGV training to help in developing a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ). These will be compiled into a FAQ handout.

IV. Adjournment

The initial 2023 September R&R MGV Open House will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm.

Minutes submitted by Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa

MGV Minutes for August 10, 2023

I. Opening and Pledge of Allegiance:

President Bob Eister welcomed us and recognized those of our MGVs who served in health care. Bob asked one of these, Marilyn McKinley, to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

a.   Secretary Recording – Kathy C & Marie B

b.   Committee Chairperson Reports


Bring One Take One – Kristen & Eric – Bob

Plant drop-off time is from 8 am to 12 pm on Friday, August 11th during set-up.

On August 12th (Saturday) the plant sale will take place from 9 am to 12 pm. The plant exchange will happen at 10 am. Kristen provided all with a “Guide to BOTO” and reminded us that all purchases are cash or check only and there will be no holds on any items. Prices range from $1-$10 dollars identified by colored stickers which correspond to sticker chart prices on the walls in the room. Lori Moff will be there to help as Kristen and Eric are both unavailable that day. Kristen announced the names of those who volunteered to serve on the various teams needed for this event. The plant exchange will take place outside. Guests are welcome to shop inside from 9-12. There will be MGVs and clinic brochures available at a table in the entryway. Clean-up will be from 12-1 on Saturday. Kristen said she has the sign-up sheet tonight for anyone available to help with the BOTO.


Canfield Fair –Jim Z.  Jim Zeleznik announced that set-up will begin at 9:30am on Monday, August 28th for our display. The Sensory Garden theme will include a water feature, outdoor get-a-way, skull display, plant/pest clinic table, and Junior MG display. These will all focus on our senses. There will be a display of our committee activities. Jim would like to add wind chimes. Please contact him if we have any to loan. Put your names on them so they will be returned to you. Peg Z will help with signage. A signup sheet was passed around for staffing of this event.


Community Outreach –Thresea Harris & Lois Martin–Uscanowski:  Thresea said there have been good turnouts for the Monday night Veggies and More Tours. Lois thanked those who attended her butterfly event. The following nights are left to attend: Glenda’s Garden- Aug 14; Good Nature Garden Party at St. Patrick’s-Aug. 21; and Flying High- Aug 28@ 100 Broadway (this was rescheduled because of rain a week ago).


Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L, Chester K & Mike B

Mike Beaudis announced that the wreath placement plan for vets’ graves at Canfield Cemetery on 224 potentially will be canceled. It has been revealed that this cemetery exceeds the scope of our program. We only have $1,027 of the approximately $2,750 to purchase wreaths for about 255 grave sites. Normally our program can provide funding and services for about 100 wreaths for veterans’ graves.  We will continue to search for other cemetery sites. However, orders for this year’s wreaths must be placed by the end of August. Contact Mike if you have any other cemetery site suggestions.

Al Leonhart and Chester Kaschak announced that the veteran’s cabin at the fairgrounds has a new roof. The old tiles and slate from the roof will be sold to raise money. Mums will be planted and additional cleaning done before the fair.

II.  MGV Officers New Business


III.   OSU Administrative Report – Kristen

a.     BOTO & Fair Sign-ups available in the back of the room

b.    MGV Apparel arrived at the OSU Extension Office. Please come and pick up your order.

c.     Kristen said that the Gasser Chair Company is in need of information and education classes to start a community garden possibly in existing raised beds. The employees of the company will take care of the garden. Let Kristen know if you are interested in helping them.  If you would like to speak on Pollinators, the Friends of Fellows Gardens would be grateful. They would like someone to speak in Late Sept. or early October. Let Kristen know if you are interested.  Stephanie B added that if you would like to help with one of these projects and need someone to shadow let her know. There are MGVs who can help you get experience in doing education.

d.    Fair signup sheets were available after the meeting. Kristen will get the fair packets ready as soon as the signup sheet is filled.

IV.  Adjournment


  • Marge Greenisen announced the Mum sale for Smucker House. Mums are $15 with delivery to Smucker House on Saturday, Sept 9th. Contact for information on ordering and payment.
  • August R&R MGV Planning meeting will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, August 23rd at 6:30 pm.
  • The initial 2023 September R&R MGV Open House will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm.
  • Carolyn Fankhauser said our MGV library is ready to use. It’s located in the large meeting room. Use the clipboard to sign out books. If you have books to donate bring them into the office and give them to Candice. Please do not enter the room for books if the room is being used. Garden magazines may be donated as well.
  • Mike Beaudis announced the Gardeners of Greater Youngstown 58th Annual Horticulture Show Aug 26-27 at Fellows Gardens. There are nine categories of flowers and vegetables to enter if you are interested.
  • John S called attention to the recognition and awards given to Eric Barrett and Haley Shoemaker. Their assistance was recognized for efforts provided to the community of East Palestine as it was affected by the recent rail disaster.  John noted an article appearing in the Farm and Dairy publication.

Submitted by Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa

MGV Minutes for July 13, 2023

MGV Meeting Minutes July 13, 2023

The July 13th MGV Meeting was held at the lovely home of Bill and Stephanie Hughes, in Rootstown.  A big thank you from all the MGVs for opening their home to us and for the delicious food as well!

I.          Opening and Pledge of Allegiance Bob Eister, President, opened the meeting and Stephanie Hughes led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Marilyn McKinley read an inspirational gardener’s prayer for all.

a.   Secretary Recording – Kathy Costa and Marie Belfast

b.   Committee Chairperson Reports

i.      Bring One Take One – Kristen & Eric (not present) – Bob announced that set-up for the BOTO event will be from 8 am-12pm on Aug.11 at the Extension Office. There are several different areas in need of volunteers both inside and outside on the day of the event Aug 12 from 8-12pm. There will be a clinic table and a plant I.D. table, as well as sales for plants, garden art, and tools. Donated plants for this event may be brought to the clinic the night of our next MGV meeting on Aug.10, or on Friday, Aug. 11. A sign-up sheet was passed around listing the various areas needing volunteers. Call the office if you would like to help for this event.

ii.    Canfield Fair – Jim Zeleznik announced that he will be talking to committee members within the upcoming week to review plans for the fair. The theme of our display is “Sensory Gardens”. Bob announced we are staffing another fair booth at the Columbiana Co Fair too. See reminders at the end of this document for details.

iii.   Community Outreach –Thresea Harris & Lois Martin-Uscanowski- Thresea spoke to us about the recent Veggies and More garden tours on Monday nights. Several MGVs have attended as well as many others from the local community. Lois reminded us that the next tour is scheduled for July 17th at the South Side Gardens on Williamson Ave at 6pm. Also, she invited us to the 11th annual Butterfly Carnival at this same site on Sat. July 15th. Lois also mentioned that she will provide info on an upcoming City Scape plant sale.

i.      Education – Stephanie Barkay & Marge Greenisen- Stephanie said that Marg asked to have a Zoom meeting to review the kits available for MGV use. She is contacting Kristen to set up the Zoom meeting.

ii.     Hospitality – Natalie Fraser & Peg Zeleznik – Everything is going well and the next event scheduled is a Coffee with the Masters. Please remember to provide food if you volunteered for an event and thank you for supporting these events.

iii.   OSU Extension Grounds – Mike Beaudis & Paula Kohler – Mike said they had a clean-up on Wednesday night and only 3 ladies came to help him. More volunteer commitment is needed to help with grounds. Lots of weeds were pulled and more mulch is needed now. Mike will check with Eric to seek a resolution and see if a local company will deliver mulch without charging a fee.

iv.   Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al Leonhart, Chester Kaschak & Mike Beaudis – Mike announced that the Wreaths for Veterans event is scheduled for Dec. 2nd at the Canfield Village Cemetery on Rt 224. Mike has found there are a lot more than 100 wreaths needed (more like 255) and our budget money amount is $1,027. Two private parties have come forward to donate funds that are needed to cover the extra cost of the wreaths. Mike is asking for more volunteers to attend and help place wreaths on the graves in December. He is also asking for assistance with transportation.

v.    Pollinator Gardens – Gail Siembida & Marilyn McKinley – Marilyn thanked all involved in getting the Columbiana Gardens ready for Denise’s visit. It looked great!

vi.   Carolyn Fankhauser said that a library is being made available in the office and there is plenty of room for books that we can sign out. The library will only be open when the office is open and no other events are taking place.

II.        MGV Officers New Items

a.     Recruitment and Retention Committee Report -Bob Eister & Peggy Griffith

The committee decided to have 3 open houses every year.

May (after the Spring Workshop)

September (after the Canfield Fair)

January (before the next MGV training)

An upcoming R&R committee meeting will take place on Zoom on July 26 at 6:30pm to discuss recruitment and retention ideas. Let Bob know if you are/are not interested in being on this committee. The initial 2023 September MGV Open House be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm. Bob asked for assistance to advertise for these events.

III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen (not present)

a.   Required Hours- Bob reminded us to enter our required hours in a timely manner. He informed us that those with concerns about entering hours should contact the office. Bob reminded us only OSU staff can make the final determination on getting credit hours for working on approved projects and work assignments.

b.   Kristen will be holding a HOC help Day on August 1st from 9 am to 6 pm at the Extension Office. There is no formal program, just drop by and ask your questions/enter your hours. We will have iPads, or you can bring your own device.

IV.       Adjournment


1.       NEW this year! Bob announced that we were setting up a booth at another fair. A sign-up sheet for a staffing slot at the Columbiana County Fair MGV booth was passed around. Call the office to obtain a slot if you wish to work during this fair. Fair schedule 11 am to 7 pm August 2nd through 6th.
2.      A sign-up sheet for a staffing slot at the BOTO event was passed around. Call the office to obtain a slot if you wish to work. Please work with our leaders and sign up for a slot so they can plan accordingly. Many hands working together can accomplish much. We do appreciate your cooperation and assistance.
  • Recent updates:
  • OSU Extension Grounds – The mulch is taken care of and arriving this Friday.
  • The MGV Library – The library is only available when the office is open, and no other programs are taking place.

Please review the below listed R&R committee roster. Please contact Bob via email to add or remove names if no longer interested in participation. As of 7-14-2023, the following are listed as members.

Barbara Copeland                                                       Marie Belfast

Ryan Emmet-Luchansky                                            Kathy Costa

Bob Ferguson                                                              Bob Eister

Diane Leonard                                                            Pam Baytos

Pat Murphy                                                                 Barb Kostellic

Donna Nord                                                                Marianna Eister

Susan Nutter                                                               Marilyn McKinley

Beth Sanders                                                               Stephanie Barkay

Mariann Mannion                                                       Jim Merva

David Sprague                                                            Kathy Emptage

Lois Martin-Uscianowski                                         Joann Kaschak

Peggy Griffith                                                             Lisa Hildebrand-Kennedy

Al Leonhart                                                                 Marge Greenisen

Diana Holzer                                                               Valeria Goncalves

 We are looking for R&R team leaders to assist in coordinating our efforts to recruit and retain more of our interns and volunteers. Thank you for your interest.

Submitted by Marie Belfast & Kathy Costa

MGV Minutes for June 8, 2023

MGV Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2023
I. Opening and Pledge of Allegiance – Stephanie Barkay, Vice President opened the meeting and Chet, Veteran Volunteer, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. Secretary Recording – Kathy C present to take minutes.
b. Committee Chairperson recognition
• Bring One Take One – Kristen told us the committee had a meeting. It was decided to make a suggested list of plants for the BOTO, but members can bring other plants. The suggested list of plants was given to us, and sign-up sheets for volunteering the night before and during the BOTO was passed around. The BOGO will be August 12th from 9am to 12pm. The exchange of plants will be at 10am. The plant sale and sale of other garden items will be inside the extension.
• Canfield Fair – Jim Z – No report.
• Community Outreach – Thresea H told us the Veggies and More Flyer is being passed around. A sign-up sheet was passed around for these dates and locations.
• Lois M-U talked about the Cityscape event that was held last Saturday. Plants were planted in downtown Youngstown and the event had close to 750 volunteers. Lois also told us about a MGV event in Ashtabula County on Saturday. The cost is $15 and they are selling plants. The event is Northeast Ohio Summer Seminar.
• Education – Stephanie B & Marge G – No report.
• Spring Workshop – Marianna E & Jim M – No report.
• Hospitality – Natalie F reminded us if you signed up to bring food for Morning with Masters next Tuesday to bring it.
• Plant and Pest Clinic – David S told us the clinic has been really busy with a lot of questions. If you need volunteer hours, the clinic could use your help. Stephanie asked the volunteers, who work in the clinic, to stand up. If you are interested, you could ask any of these volunteers your questions. David said a lot of the questions have been about aphids.
• OSU Extension Grounds – Paula reported they worked on the extension grounds on Monday. The ground was very hard, and they worked for 2 ½ hours. She said they could use volunteers to help.
• Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L said flowers will be delivered to the log cabin next week. Al will notify committee members when they will be planting flowers. Chester K reported the wreath cemetery will be at a Canfield cemetery in December. It has been arranged with the American Legion to be there for the ceremony with the Honor Guard and Color Guard.
• Pollinator Gardens – Kristen reported the research on pollinators that was done at the extension is finished. She will provide more information about it with a link in the next newsletter. There were 3 plots at the extension. Pinky said they have planted pollinator gardens in Lisbon using the diagram of 2 of these plots.

II. MGV Officers Items
a. Vindy Article Recognition – Any of the volunteers who wrote Vindy articles was asked to stand. If any of the interns or volunteers need volunteer hours, you could get some help from volunteers who have written articles.
b. Veggies and More- Thresea H – (See above report).
c. Clinic Insect Case Renovation- Eric told us we are going to make an insect display case. Any MGVs who would like to help set up the display case notify the office. Ashley will ensure the identified insects are accurate.
d. Garden Art Monthly Series – No update.
e. Mornings with the Masters – No update.
f. Admin & Communications – Marilyn M & Pam B – No update.

III. OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen
i. BOTO Duties – Sign-up sheet passed around so you can sign up for the duties you want to be involved in.
ii. Hours – Kristen went over required hours for active MGVs. Active MGVs are required to have 10 CE and 20 volunteer hours. The CE hours must include 2 hours of IPM and 2 hours of invasive species. 1 of these hours will be after this meeting. The volunteer hours must include 2 hours of Backyard and Food Events and 2 hours of Environmental Horticultural Events.
iii. Recruitment and Retention – It was decided that this committee will be a stand-alone committee. If you would like to be on this committee let Kristen know. The committee is looking at having open houses for recruitment and ways to support volunteers to meet their needs. The next meeting will be on June 27th at 5:30pm.
iv. Friends of the Mahoning River Riverfest – Kristen needs some volunteers for this event on June 11th from 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm at the B&O Station. You can park at the WRTA parking lot free. There will be music, food and education.
v. Mahoning River Garden Club would like someone to speak on Houseplants and Succulents at the Struthers Library on June 19th at 6 pm. Let Kristen or Candace know if you are interested.
vi. Eric will be presenting Hydrangeas for Ohio Gardens tomorrow. Each non MGV attendee will be able to take a hydrangea plant home included in their cost. MGVs are free to attend and can purchase a plant for $15.
a. Adjournment of Admin Meeting – Education Meeting follows on Invasive Plants by Stephanie B.
Submitted by Kathy Costa

MGV Minutes for May 11, 2023

I.          Opening and Pledge of Allegiance (President and John Schoeni, Veteran Volunteer)

a.   Secretary Recording – Kathy C and Barb K

b.   Committee Chairperson Bob introduced committees and chairs

i.      Bring One Take One – Kristen & Eric
ii.     Canfield Fair – Jim Z
iii.    Community Outreach –Thresea H & Lois M -U – Thresea told us she sent out letters for Good Natured Partners and she’s working on a schedule for Veggies and More.  Lois told us City Scape is always the 1st Saturday in June. Lois needs to know T-shirt sizes ASAP for those attending the City Scape event.
iv.   Education – Stephanie B & Marge G
v.     Spring Workshop – Marianna E & Jim M
vi.   Hospitality – Natalie F & Peg Z
vii.  Plant and Pest Clinic – David S
viii.OSU Extension Grounds – Mike B & Paula K – Paula K said they weeded the front and put down mulch. They also seeded grass where the tree was removed. Paula said Mike asks committee members to call him back when they receive a call to let him know who will be helping on the grounds.
ix.    Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L, Chester K & Mike B – Chester told us that Huntington Bank is taking care of the edging and putting down mulch at the Log Cabin at the fairgrounds. The committee will be getting flowers at the end of May or the beginning of June. He will notify committee members to help with planting. They will be using the cemetery in Canfield on Broad St. for laying of wreaths. Military groups take part in the ceremony. This is a very special ceremony for the community and families to honor veterans.
x.       Pollinator Gardens – Gail S & Marilyn M


II.        MGV Officers Items

a.   MGV Intern Introduction– Bob welcomed and introduced the interns to the MGVs. Each intern participated by giving us information about themselves. Bob used this as an exercise in passive and active listening. The interns shared important childhood memories and favorite plants.

b.   Spring Workshop – (April 22 & 29) Review – Eric gave us a recap of the Spring Workshop. There were 86 paid registrations for both days. The paid registration helps pay for technical expenses, annual dinner for two for the MGVs, incentives for MGVs, MGV T shirts and extra incentives for work in the clinic and Vindy articles. The 77 evaluations of the workshop marked all areas as outstanding or very good in all areas, except for 7 scores of average. 100% said the workshops were worth their time and they would attend again. Eric said we should make the following changes: do walk-about education only if weather is good, pay for MGV lunches and give attendees a garden art coupon. Marianna recognized everyone who helped to make the workshops a success.

c.    New subcommittee (Member Recruiting and Retention) Meets in May – Bob told us about the plans for a new committee on recruiting and retention. The 1st meeting will be at 630 pm on May 23rd. The committee will look at ways to recruit people by having some open houses. We will also decide how to structure the committee and what to focus on to keep people involved.

d.   Leadership- responsibilities of leaders and volunteers (Sign Up/Show up) – Members need to support their leaders. If you sign up for an event, then participate. Bob asked the MGVs to start thinking for 2024 about being an officer or chairperson of a committee, descriptions can be found in your Handbook. To be an officer, you would have to be a MGV for 2 years. Bob asked what are the qualities you want from a leader? Members responded with suggestions. He reminded us of the 6 Es of leadership: envision, enlist, embody, empower, evaluate and encourage.

e.    Garden Art Monthly Series – (Contact Office to help)

f.     Writing Vindy Articles – Pam B told us Eric needs Vindy articles. The articles do not have to be very detailed, but needs to be something people can relate to. For example, you could talk about gardening memories or experiences with family members.


III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen

a.   MGV Apparel Order – Kristen said the order and money must be in on Monday.

b.   Volunteer Opportunities – Kristen explained that Morning with the Masters only needs two volunteers but Garden Art needs a lot of volunteers to help people make things. Some of the Garden Art classes (like the Holiday Centerpiece) needs 1 volunteer for every attendee. Please sign up to help.

c.   B&O Riverfest on June 11th – Kristen told us they want a community table set up and staffed. If you are interested, please reach out to Kristen

d.   Apple trees – Eric told us he had a limited number of Gold Rush apple trees for sale to our members at $20 each. If you want an apple tree let Eric know.


IV.     New Business

Adjournment of Business Meeting – Education meeting follows.  David presented on Growing Degree Days (GDD)



Save the Date – July 13th MGV Meeting at home of Bill and Stephanie Hughes, 6322 Giddings Rd, Rootstown, OH 44272


·         Recruitment and Retention Meeting May 23rd 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm @ Mahoning County Office

·         BOTO Meeting May 23rd 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm @ Mahoning County Office

·         Vindy Articles for Eric

Minutes Submitted by Kathy Costa

MGV Minutes for April 13, 2023

I.             Opening and Pledge of Allegiance (President and Stephanie Hughes)

a.    Secretary Recording – Kathy C

b.    Committee Chairperson Topic Discussion

·         Community Outreach –Bob recognized Thresea H. and she told us letters for Good Natured Partners will be sent out the last week in April and she’s soon start working on the schedule for Veggies and More.  Lois then told us about the plans for CityScape on June 3rd. We will meet at Penguin Brewery and have breakfast at 9am. Lunch is also planned. If you plan on attending give Lois your name and shirt size for a CityScape T shirt. Patty has scheduled the 1st meeting with Jr Master Gardeners on April 25th. Everyone is excited to get started and new kids are signing up.

·         Education – Stephanie B – There are 2 requests for speakers below in the administrative report. Anyone can sign up even if you’re not on the education committee, just notify Kristen.

·         Spring Workshop – Marianna E. reported 32 people signed up for April 22nd and 31 for April 29th for the Spring Garden Workshops. The duty assignments were distributed. MGVs working and want to eat lunch need to pay $10 to Candace or Kristen. Goodie bags will be done at 10am on Thursday and the room will be set up at 10am on Friday.

·         Hospitality – Bob thanked everyone who brought in food during the MGV training. Pam and Natalie passed around a sign-up sheet for bring baked goods to the Spring Workshops.

·         Plant and Pest Clinic – David S. reported the Clinic has started. In Mahoning County, it is Monday and Thursday mornings from 9 am to 12 pm. We have been getting a lot questions, so if you want something to do those morning, stop by and they will have a job for you to get some hours.

·         Grounds – Mike B.  reported a good turnout for the grounds meeting and thanked Natalie, Chester, Cindy Beveridge, Paula Kohler and Deb Poppke for helping clean the extension grounds.

·         Veterans -Mike said he is working with Canfield Village Cemetery as a new location to place the memorial wreaths.

II.        MGV Officers Items

a.    MGV Training 2023 Class – Trainees will do their presentations next Tuesday. A count was taken of the MGVs planning to attend for meal planning and hospitality.

b.    Garden Workshop – (April 22 & 29) Pam passed a signup sheet for hospitality food donations.

c.    New subcommittee (Member Recruiting and Retention) Bob circulated a signup sheet for interested members to join this new committee. He will contact the committee members and schedule an initial meeting in May to develop a strategy.

d.   Garden Art Monthly Series – Pam needs help on April 25th at 10:00 am to help prepare chains to use for class. Let Pam know if you can help.

e.    Mornings with the Masters Series – (Contact Peg to help) MGVs were asked to volunteer and filled all the openings.

III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen

a.    Jewish Community Center– They would like three different topics on different days for youth ages 3 to 5 years old. Topics include Butterflies/Pollinators, Bugs, and Planting seeds. There would be about 15-20 kids for 30 minutes. Peg Zeleznik has volunteered. Please let Peg know if you are willing to help.

b.    Broadway Recovery Services– They need some guidance on getting a garden started. They would like to do raised beds with vegetables including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, onions, and lettuce. Plus a few flowers as well! Please let Kristen know if you are willing to help.

c.    BOTO Chairperson – Kristen told us the chairperson of this committee has resigned. The office will fill the role as chairperson. The event will be planned to be held  in August as usual.

d.   Kristen thanked MGVs for their help with the new MGV class.

e.    Victory Garden Seeds Kristen stated seeds were distributed for communities through 5 libraries.

f.     Questions about soil testing around East Palestine will be handled by Haley and the extension office.


Adjournment of Admin Meeting – Education meeting follows (Presenter- Stephanie Barkay- First hour of IPM and explanation of mandatory hours.)

IV.       Reminders:

  • May 9th- Morning with the Masters- Everything about Herbs by Carol Woodring -See Peg to help. May 3d -Garden Arts- Rustic Clay Pot windchimes – See Pam to help

·         Marge G. promoting the Smucker House geranium sale. She would be happy to take orders and bring them to the extension office or another location when they arrive. They are available in white, red, salmon, pink and deep pink for $1.25 each. Delivery May 19. Call her if interested. Order Form is attached.

·          Mike B, chairman of the Veterans Committee, is asking for our members’ to continue recommend sites for a cemetery to place our wreaths on this year.

·          Mahoning Plant & Pest clinic started on 3 April and the Columbiana clinic started on 5 April.

·         Vindy Articles for Eric

Minutes Submitted by Kathy Costa

MGV Minutes for March 9, 2023

I.             Opening and Pledge of Allegiance

(President Bob Eister and Veteran Volunteer Al Leonhart).  Bob introduced and welcomed Bessie Anderson, MGV Emeritus to our meeting. She has served us for many years and was very active as a MGV.

a.     Secretary Recording – Marie Belfast & Kathy Costa

b.    Committee Chairperson Topic Discussion

·         Community Outreach – Lois Martin-Uscanowski  & Thresea Harris

Thresea announced that the Good Nature Garden Partners begins in May, Veggies and More program in June and Fellows Riverside Gardens Christmas tree information will be given in November.

·         Education – Stephanie Barkay & Marge Greenisen

No updates

·         Spring Workshop – Marianna Eister & Jim Merva

Marianna announced the names of several speakers for the upcoming workshops. She encouraged us to sign up on the various clipboards where help is needed for these two Saturday Garden workshops. Help is needed for desserts (a.m. and lunch), garden art, parking, and with goodie bags for both sessions. Those MGV’s not present may call the office to help with the workshops.  Dates are April 22 & 29. Jim showed the beautiful flyers that will be distributed in the community announcing this event.  It will be publicized in the Vindy newspaper and garden clubs as well as Facebook. He said we can reach 52,000+ people by sharing the postings on Facebook.

  • Hospitality – Natalie Fraser & Peg Zeleznik

Natalie reminded us to sign up to bring in food for our Tuesday MGV’s intern lunches. Sign up and take the FCS Occasional Quantity Cooks Training (OQC) online to bring food items that you have prepared. Anyone may bring in store bought food.

  • Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague

Mahoning County clinic services begin April 3 and Columbiana County on April 5. David announced there will be a training at the end of March (date to be determined).

II.         MGV Officers Items

a.     MGV Training 2023 Class & Events– Hospitality needs MGVs to sign up to bring food for the training class.

b.    Garden Workshop – (April 22 & 29) Signup- Hospitality has sign-up sheet for us to sign up to bring in food for both days of the workshop.

c.     Mentoring Program – Mentees were assigned, and we had a meet and greet. Bob asked us to raise our hand to identify the mentors. Bob told the MGVs if they want to find out more about the mentoring program, they can talk to any of the mentors for information. Bob said more members will need to volunteer to be mentors for the next training class.

d.    Suggested Idea – new subcommittee (Member Recruiting and Retention) See Handout. Bob told us he was suggesting a sub-committee on Recruiting and Retention to add to an existing committee, such as Community Outreach. He asked us to read a handout he prepared. Discussion resumed after having read the handout. Bob asked us how we could increase our recruiting and support each other. Bob asked us to remember how many people started the training classes we were in and if anyone missed those who did not graduate as MGVs. We should be asking them for feedback on why they chose to not progress.  He also provided examples of some ways we could better support our members. There was some discussion about how to recruit. One proposal was to hold an “Open House” event 3 times per year. Another proposal discussed was offering programs with more children being involved in gardening. We discussed the activities we have going on now that involve children such as Good-Natured Garden Partners. There was also discussion about the reasons we stay involved and we all need to tell other people about our MGV program to help with recruiting.

Bob suggested that we form this committee to address these critical needs. A small group of interested MGVs can determine what we can do better, and structure a sub-committee of volunteers to improve our ability to recruit, retain, communicate and support each other. Bob suggested that MGVs send them cards. Bob stated that this is another example of how we can communicate and support each other. Bob called for a vote by individual ballot of approve or disapprove the suggestion for the new sub-committee. He asked those who approve and wish to serve on the new committee to place their names on the approval ballots. The new group will review any comments or concerns that may be written on the ballot too. After the meeting, Kristen complied the results 31 votes for the new subcommittee and 4 votes against the new subcommittee.

*** If you are interested in helping with the recruitment and retention, please contact Kristen***

  1. Correction – Bob said after careful consideration and review a designated time will be established other than during MGV regular meetings to Meet and Greet interested visitors.

Reminder -The pre-meeting time was originally set up as a social time. Limited space is available in the office and meeting space must be reserved on a first come basis by the office staff. We can’t have too many meetings at the same time or critical input will be missed in our planning and communications. Please keep in mind that the office has offered to set up Zoom meetings for committees.

III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen

i.        Please read your newsletters. Kristen has sign up sheets for hospitality for the training class, Morning with the Masters and the garden art series. For the Morning with the Masters, the first 2 people to sign up to be a hostess can attend the class for free.

ii.      Per the Handbook on page 8 for incentives. Your first 10 volunteer hours after the required 20 volunteer hours can earn you a free class. If you believe that you have earned a free class, please let Kristen know. The 10 hours must be verified through Hands on Connect.

iii.    Applications for Awards are due on April 30th. Marilyn told us we are applying for state awards in 6 categories.

IV.       Adjournment of Admin Meeting – Education meeting follows.

(Eric presents available teaching kits)



  • 2023 Streetscape Kickoff and Press Conference- Tuesday, March 21stat 8 am

The public Library of Youngstown: 305 Wick Ave. RSVP by March 14th,  MGV’s will be going as a group. Please register if you can attend.

·         Mike B, chairman of the Veterans Committee, is asking for our members’ help in finding a new cemetery to place our wreaths on this year.

·          Mahoning Plant &Pest clinic starts on 3 April and the Columbiana clinic starts on 5 April.  There will be a clinic training class at the end of March.

·         Vindy Articles for Eric

  • Garden Art Monthly Series-Begins April 5. Garden Art Series-“Pocket Size Flower Press” (Contact the office to sign up to help).
  • Mornings with the Masters-Series begins March 14 “Seed Starting” with Peg (contact the office to sign up to help).

MGV Minutes for February 9, 2023

I.      President Bob Eister welcomed all and Mike Beaudis led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

a.     Recording Secretaries – Marie Belfast & Kathy Costa

b.    Committee Chairs for 2023 introduced themselves and some had announcements as follows:

·         Bring One Take One – Cynthia B (not present)

·         Canfield Fair – Jim Zeleznik announced an upcoming meeting on Tues, Feb. 14 at 5pm

·         Community Outreach – Lois Martin – Uscanowski & Thresea Harris – This committee entails the Good Nature Garden Partners, Veggies and More Garden Tours, Fellows Riverside Garden Christmas tree decorating/display and other community outreach activities. Thresea announced she brought the ribbons used for decorating the Christmas tree at Fellows Gardens and told the MGVs to take some ribbons as they leave the meeting to remember those affected by breast cancer.

·         Education – Stephanie Barkay & Marge Greenisen- Stephanie is our Vice President and plans our educational programs for our monthly MGV meetings.  She encouraged us to look through our handbooks for specifics on the MGV yearly volunteer hour requirements and for new hour incentives.  She also told us about the “Mornings with the Masters” program starting up. The first education session will be Starting Seeds on March 14th. Pam Baytos will be doing Garden Arts. Marge oversees the Smucker House events.

·         Spring Workshop – Marianna Eister & Jim Merva

·         Hospitality – Natalie Fraser & Peg Zeleznik

·         Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague

·         OSU Extension Grounds – Mike Beaudis announced that the next grounds meeting will be Feb.28 at 6pm.

·         Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al Leonhart, Chester Kaschak  & Mike Beaudis- This will be our 17th year in providing wreaths for veterans’ graves in December. Mike is asking us for suggestions for a new cemetery this year.

·         Pollinator Gardens – Gail Siembida & Marilyn McKinley


II.         MGV Officers Items

a.     MGV Training 2023 Class – Kristen announced there are 8 enrolled in this year’s class which started Feb. 7.

b.    Hospitality -Peg Zeleznik announced that we are in need of volunteers to provide snacks at our monthly meetings as well as breakfast and lunch for our Tuesday training sessions for the new MGV class. She advised that food is needed for 15-20 people for the training class, any MGVs in the office and our office staff. Please complete the necessary Online Occasional Quantity Cooks food certification training if you wish to cook food for these and any other MGV events. This certification must be renewed every 3 years. Peg requests that breakfast items for Tuesday classes be brought into the office by 8:15am and lunch food by 11:00am. Signup sheets were distributed for these activities. Another way to earn volunteer hours is to provide food (light breakfast) for our upcoming “Morning With The Masters” garden speaker series. These take place on the second Tuesdays of the month at 10:00am. Please bring baked goods/fruit for 20-30 people. The first two MGVs to volunteer for these event days will receive the worksheet free!

c.     Garden Workshop Scheduled – (April 22 & 29) Marianna Eister announced there will be a meeting held the night of our next monthly meeting in March. She said for this year workers will move from place to place during event days. Marianna told us we will need more MGVs for set up because it will need to be done in 1 day. We will also need to put together the goody bags for those enrolled. If you have craft ideas for items to be sold please send them to Lil at the following address:  Any items not sold at this event will be sold at the BOTO event. Jim Merva is working on advertising for this workshop, including flyers. He has contacted several Facebook groups. Jim also recommended that any MGVs on Facebook should share the garden workshop flyer. There are several great speakers and topics for these two days.

d.    Mentoring Program – Bob encouraged us to come in and meet our new class members in training.  Bob also told us there will be some changes and requirements to the mentoring program. Mentors will have the opportunity to meet with trainees. Mentees will be matched with a Mentor with similar interests.  They will be placed on the same committee to work together. There will be a training meeting for those who volunteered to mentor on Monday, Feb.13 at 10:00am.

e.     Exec Team Meeting – The Executive Team discussed the MGVs’ identified shortcomings and concerns in the MGV program. MGVs wanted more information on committee chairs and co-chairs of committees. Field trips are suspended because of lack of participation. Bob also recommended to limit committee meetings the day of our monthly meeting. Zoom could be used for committee meetings. Contact Kristen or Candace to set the zoom meeting up. Monthly birthdays will not be announced during the monthly meeting but will be included in our MGV Newsletter. Bob told us there will be changes to our monthly administrative meeting to try to keep the meeting to 30 minutes. Continuing Ed sessions will be recorded for later viewing.

f.      Garden Art Monthly Series – Begins April 5 – See newsletter for info – We need volunteer help, so please signup.

g.     Mornings with the Masters – Series Begins March 14 – See newsletter– We need volunteer help, so please signup.

h.    Admin & Communications from OSU – Marilyn M & Pam B will continue to forward emails on training opportunities.

i.      Bob also told the MGVs to make sure they read the important reminders on the back of each month’s agenda.


III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen

a.        Online Occasional Quantity Cooks must be completed before bringing or preparing food for groups. If a MGV wants to bring food but has not completed the OQC training, they can bring in packaged items they have purchased. Sealed packages of purchased food items can be donated by anyone and is also appreciated. The time to buy, prepare and bring food in count towards MGV volunteer hours.

b.      2023 contact list and committee lists are available and were distributed.

c.    Review MGV Training Class Schedule – The class schedule is available and you call or email Kristen if you wish to attend any refresher classes or eat lunch with the new class.

d.     Recordings will be done of our monthly CE.

e.    Team is preparing Applications for MGV Awards (due in March).


Eric told us he needs more Vindicator articles.

After the meeting, Marie asked if we could invite people who might be interested in being a MGV to our monthly meeting. Bob discussed this with Eric and it was decided that interested people would be able to attend if the office and Bob were notified in advance of any visitors who would be attending the meeting. Bob announced this decision at the conclusion of the meeting.

Adjournment of Admin Meeting – Education Meeting followed. Kristen provided an informative meeting on the creation of  the pollinator garden at the OSU extension.



·         Mike B, chairman of the Veterans Committee, is asking for our members’ help in finding a new cemetery to place our wreaths on this year.

·         The $10 yearly MGV dues are due by March 1st to the Office. This can be cash or check, please make checks payable to OSU Extension. These are required state dues.

·         Office and Three Pollinator areas in Columbiana. Need volunteers

  • Please read the newsletter- more prizes and information to follow

·         Vindy Articles needed *** Send ideas to Eric

Submitted by Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa