This is Lauren Griffith. At first, words that come to mind that describe her are: positive, light-hearted, and encouraging; however, after sitting down and talking with her for a little while, I discovered that possibly the best word to describe her is selfless. An example of this, when I first asked her “What’s your story?”, she immediately started telling me about her family, her home, and her golden retriever Maddy. Not necessarily her story. So, I changed my question: “Why Ohio State?”. The response this time – while it was still one about other people – does an amazing job of defining who Lauren Griffith actually is.
Lauren decided that she wanted to attend OSU from the first moment she stepped on campus. Sure, she loved the atmosphere, the people, and the campus, but she especially loved the opportunity. You see, Lauren had decided that she wanted to study microbiology, and while yes, it was because she loved science, it was mainly because of cancer. From the age of ten, Lauren witnessed to the devastating effect of cancer on those surrounding her, from her best friends to family members. She watched her best friend battle leukemia in forth grade, and family friend – who was only six years old- get diagnosed with both kidney and lung cancer, and she remembers feeling her heart break for them. And she remembers that feeling of helplessness, as she watched their suffering from the sidelines. So, she poured herself into science, and studying why people developed cancer, and how it could be avoided. She was determined to learn all that she could, so that she could help other families – and people across the nation – avoid going through the same pain she watched her friends go through.
And that was why she chose OSU.
And that is her story.
Now, as she works through the autumn semester of her freshman year, she is still devoting herself to helping people. By studying hard, she is working toward a degree – not for her own benefit – but for the benefit of others.