My First Semester at OSU

During my first semester at Ohio State, I have had such an amazing time. In the beginning of the semester, some of my fears were not making friends, not finding activities to be involved in, and feeling left out of the Ohio State community. However, at this point I can say that these fears have diminished. As for friends, I have met several people in Baker East, through my major, and through the activities that I am involved in. I have made friends who share similar interests as me and who come from different backgrounds than me. This is one of my favorite things about Ohio State. So many people are out there to meet, and I can’t wait to meet even more. My second fear was about not being involved, but I have gotten involved in two activities, and I have a job already. I have met incredible people through these organizations, and I cannot wait to stay involved with them. My third fear was not feeling a part of the OSU community. This fear disappeared after the first football game. I was engulfed in the culture and instantly a part of something bigger than just a college. I was a part of a community and shared a culture with many people.

In Humanities Scholars so far, I have met so many different people and participated in some awesome events! My favorite was the Chicago trip. I had such an amazing time in this city, and that was my first time going there. I wished the weekend didn’t fly by, but I had a blast with everything I got to experience there! As for meeting people, this scholars program has introduced me to many people who live in my dorm, and this was very helpful. I got to meet people right in the beginning of the year, and I cannot wait to continue being in Humanities Scholars. As this program continues, I want to continue being a part of its events and stay involved. Even when I continue my years at Ohio State, I would love to stay a part of this program. In order to stay involved, I will still attend meetings to make sure than I stay informed! Additionally, I would possibly like do a few more of the extra activities that Humanities Scholars offers. I can’t wait to continue being a part of this program!

Overall, I have had a great first semester as a Buckeye in Humanities Scholars! I cannot wait to see what the future semesters and years will bring.

“But Out” Reflection

  • I’d like to be more efficient at studying, but I get distracted.
  • I’d like to exercise more, but I am very busy with schoolwork.
  • I’d like to eat healthier, but other foods appeal more to me.
  • I’d like to be able to write more, but I feel like I am limited on time.
  • I’d like to go home to see my family more often, but a conflict always seems to arise.


  • I’d like to be more efficient at studying, and I get distracted. So I need to find a quiet, comfortable place where I can successfully study and get tasks done.
  • I’d like to exercise more, and I am very busy with schoolwork. So I need to take breaks from studying to go run or go to the gym.
  • I’d like to eat healthier, and other foods appeal more to me. So I need to make sure that I am eating healthy foods and not just junk food.
  • I’d like to be able to write more, and I feel like I am limited on time. So I need to set aside time to write because it is one of my favorite activities to do.
  • I’d like to go home to see my family more often, and a conflict always seems to arise. So I need to plan accordingly and keep track of my time so I can visit them more.

Humans of OSU


“I grew up in Lancaster, Ohio, which is about thirty minutes away from Columbus. When I was 3 I moved to North Canton because my dad got a new job, lived there, and I guess I still live there. I’m an only child and people always tell me I’m lucky because of that, but I don’t really think so. I wish I could have someone else. It just can get lonely because you can talk to your parents, but it’s not the same as having a friend-type always there with you. I’m not really sure what I want to do with my life right now. I decided to come here to do respiratory therapy, but I’m not even really sure that’s what I want to do anymore. And, if it’s not, then I am going to end up going back home to become an occupational therapy assistant. Honestly, I don’t really know what my story really is. I feel like I don’t have one. I feel like there’s nothing important that happens in my life to make me have a story. I mean I guess I’ve gone through a lot, especially with this past year. I feel like I’m still trying to figure out who I am and what my story is and why I’m here doing what I’m doing. I don’t know. This is what I’m trying to figure out. I just don’t want to be defined by the things that have happened to me.”


My First Week at OSU

Coming to this amazing school, I was experiencing several emotions. I was ecstatic, anxious, and excited.  I am both excited and anxious for this school year. My classes both excite me and make me a bit nervous because although they are classes that I am interested in and want to take, some of them are unique and nothing like the classes I took in high school. Something else I am excited for is being involved. Ohio State offers so many interesting and intriguing clubs and activities, and I am excited to explore some of those. Something I am particularly nervous for is the bus system; I am very worried that I will take the wrong bus when I am running late. However, despite this fear, I have done well with the busses so far. I have taken some to classes, and already, I am beginning to figure them out.

Overall, my first week was very enjoyable. I met several people, some in my major and some that are not, and I am eager to meet more! My classes have gone well; the workload is a bit overwhelming, but as the weeks continue, I know I will be able to develop a successful study routine. Also, the food has been (surprisingly) delicious. I say ‘surprisingly’ because I had an idea in my mind about what “college dining” was going to taste like, but I have not been disappointed yet! I am looking forward to more food, fun, and studying in my future.

Lastly, I am so delighted to be in the Humanities Scholars program! In this program, I hope to make new friends and broaden my interests. Thus far, I have loved the activities that the program has held, and the ones for the future sound entertaining as well as intellectual. Through this program, I expect to become more academically inclined and to actually become more involved. I can say that these two expectations are also some of what I expect at OSU as well. I am thrilled to be a Buckeye in the Humanities Scholars program!


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