Journal 3

The Architecture, Landscape, and City Scholars Program has taught me many things over my first semester, including architecture information, such as the utilization of green space and uses for and proper disposal of human waste, and “practical” information, such as what places should be visited on campus/outside of campus and how to contribute to the community of Columbus. The program has also helped me adjust to Ohio State University, as it bounded me with the people that did the same program and lived in the same dorm and on the same floor. Therefore it makes me sad to declare that I do not plan on doing this program for the next semester, as my scheduling would not allow me to have time for this program and the Spring Semester Project that is required. Thank you for all of the contributions of the people that participated in this program with me, especially Jessica for making this program as fun as possible! It was definitely a wild ride, and I appreciate everything I learned from doing this program.