January 11, 2019

Good evening,

Welcome to a new year of meetings and programs. I hope you were able to attend our first Conservation Tillage Club breakfast meeting held this past Tuesday on controlling pigweeds. If you were unable to attend, there is a West Central Ohio Weed Science Day coming up next week on January 17 in Mercer County. There will also be an industry required dicamba training provided by BASF that you can use to meet this yearly requirement if you plan to apply Xtendimax, Engenia, or FeXapan on soybeans. Lunch will be included in this day-long program, so if you are interested in attending, make sure you read the attached news release and flyer for details. You will need to contact Denny Reithman at the Mercer County Extension office (419-586-2179) to register so he can have a lunch count. All attendees also receive a free 2019 Weed Control Guide. I have also attached information about the revised label for these dicamba products effective starting in 2019.

West Central Ohio Weed Science Day News Release

2019 West Central Weed Science Day Flyer

Dicamba-Precautions for 2019

One of the new requirements for using dicamba on soybean in 2019 is that the person doing the mixing and spraying must be a licensed pesticide applicator and not just someone working under the person who holds the license. Because of this new requirement, there may be new people on the farm who need an Ohio Pesticide Applicator License. I have scheduled a new pesticide applicator class on January 29 at the Hardin County Extension office from 12:30-4:30 pm. See the attached news release and flyer for details about how to register for this class. The next Conservation Tillage Club breakfast is January 22 at the Plaza Inn featuring a Grain Marketing Outlook by Bailey Elchinger of INTL FC Stone. See the attached flyer for more information about this breakfast meeting. If you are looking for a listing of upcoming OSU Extension programs in the region, be sure to read the attached Top of Ohio Agriculture and Natural Resources Newsletter. You may want to save it for future reference.

New Pesticide Applicator Class News Release

New Pesticide Applicator Class Flyer

Conservation Tillage Club Flyer

2019 Top of Ohio ANR Winter Newsletter

Other programs in the region that are coming up include a few grain marketing classes in Fayette, Champaign, Miami, and Darke counties starting this month. See the two attached grain marketing flyers for more information about these educational opportunities. If you are involved with specialty crop production, you won’t want to miss the Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference on February 5. See the attached brochure and register as soon as possible because this event sells out most years. Upcoming local events in Hardin County include County Fair Livestock and Sale Committee meetings on Wednesday, January 16 starting at 6:30 pm at the fair office, Soil and Water Conservation District meeting Thursday, January 17 starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office, and a Pork Producers meeting Tuesday, January 22 starting at 6:30 pm at the Ag Credit office. Stay warm and take a look at the ag crops articles that I have included for you to read below.

Grain Marketing Classes Fayette-Champaign Flyer

Grain Marketing Classes Miami-Darke Flyer

Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference Brochure








Results of the Ohio Crop Performance Trials Available Online – Laura Lindsey, Mark Sulc, Peter Thomison
The purpose of the Ohio Crop Performance Trials is to evaluate cultivars, hybrids, and blends for yield, and other characteristics. The results are published to provide a source of objective information from various locations in Ohio on the relative performance of seed currently available to Ohio farmers on several crops. Results of the 2018 corn, forage, soybean and wheat performance trials conducted by The Ohio State University Horticulture and Crop Department are available online at https://u.osu.edu/perf/. This web page also provides a link to archives of corn, forage, silage, soybean, and wheat trials. When results of the 2018 Corn Silage Test are finalized, those results will be added to this web page.






2018 eFields Research Report Available January 9th – Elizabeth Hawkins, John Fulton, Jenna Lee
High quality, relevant information is key to making the right management decisions for your farm. The eFields program at The Ohio State University was created to provide local information about critical issues for Ohio agriculture. The 2018 eFields Research Report highlighting 95 on-farm, field scale trials conducted in 25 Ohio counties will be released on January 9th. Research topics include nutrient management, precision seeding, crop management, soil compaction management, remote sensing, and data analysis and management. To help identify trial locations that are similar to your operation, each study includes information about weather, soil types, and management practices. Additionally, economic analysis was added to select trials this year. QR codes that link to videos featuring the researchers and partner farmers are available in the report. To find out how to download your copy of this research that includes three Hardin County trials, click on https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-01/2018-efields-research-report-available-january-9th.






Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast Series – Mark Badertscher
The 2019 Conservation Tillage Club breakfast program series will begin on Tuesday, January 8 at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory. Each session will start at 7:30 am with a complimentary buffet breakfast followed by the program at 8:00 am. Other sessions will be held on January 22, February 5 and 19. On January 8, the program will feature Dr. Mark Loux, OSU Extension State Specialist in Weed Science speaking on No Pigweed Left Behind. The January 22 program will feature Bailey Elchinger, an INTL FC Stone, Risk Management Consultant with Grains. Her presentation will focus on the 2019 Grain Marketing Outlook. February 5 Dr. Pierce Paul, OSU Extension State Specialist in Corn and Small Grain Diseases will speak to the Conservation Tillage Club about Corn Diseases. The February 19 program will feature an interactive panel discussion of “Agriculture in 2030: A Look at Innovation through the Next Generation’s Eyes” presented by the Ridgemont FFA chapter. For more details about these upcoming breakfast programs, go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-01/conservation-tillage-club-breakfast-series.






West Ohio Agronomy Day – Debbie Brown
The 2019 West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Monday, January 14th at St. Michael’s Hall in Fort Loramie. A light breakfast will be available starting at 8 a.m. with a marketing update from Cargill and Sunrise Cooperative at 8:30 a.m. Once again, Purdue’s Dr. Fred Whitford will be there, this time to talk about “Mixing Chemicals: Is there a right order?” Also presenting will be Dr. Pierce Paul, OSU Plant Pathology on “Plant Diseases,” Dr. Kelley Tilmon, OSU Entomology with a “Field Crop Insect Update,” and Dr. Jeff Stachler, OSU Extension Educator addressing “Management of Key Weeds” and “Principles of Weed Management.” In addition, Dr. Elizabeth (Libby) Dayton, OSU Research Scientist will be updating us on the “On-Field Ohio: Use Case for the Revised Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index” and Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension Educator will be talking about “Using Cover Crops to Manage No-Till Soil Fertility” and “Is Your Soil Alive?” Read more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2018-41/west-ohio-agronomy-day.






West Central Ohio Weed Science Day – Dennis Riethman
Mercer County OSU Extension will host the 2019 West Central Ohio Weed Science Day. The program will be held on January 17, 2019, at the Knights of St. John Hall, 8608 St. Rt. 119, Maria Stein, Ohio, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The program will address the current weed situation in area fields along with weed identification and understanding herbicide site of action. Dr. Jeff Stachler, Auglaize County OSU Extension educator, and Harold Watters, OSU Extension Agronomic Crop Specialist, will be discussing Weed ID, Herbicide Site of Action and Weed Management Stategies. Peggy Hall, Director, OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program, will also give an explanation of the Noxious Weed Law. Finish reading about this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-01/west-central-ohio-weed-science-day.




Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office

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