November 21, 2018

Good evening,

It’s almost time to gather for Thanksgiving dinner but before that happens, I wanted to get this issue of the Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update out.  As harvest winds down, the meeting season will soon be upon us.  The American Farmland Trust, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service of Ohio, and Hardin Soil Water Conservation District have joined together to announce three women-dedicated learning circle sessions in northern Ohio.  These workshops will focus on soil health, water quality, and specialty cropping systems for women farmers and land owners.  Learning Circles provide women the opportunity to meet other land owners, share their farm successes and challenges, discuss their goals for their land and access advice and technical assistance.  The first session is coming up November 29 at Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative in Kenton so see the attached news release for details about how to register by November 27 if you or someone you know is interested in attending.

WFL AFT Press Release WLEB Three Sessions

The Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame has announced that Jan Layman, Sanford and Paul McCurdy, Gary and Carol Oates, and Gary Shick will be inducted at the 2018 Ag Hall of Fame Banquet being held Tuesday, December 4 at St. John’s Evangelical Church in Kenton.  I have attached a news release that outlines these outstanding individuals’ contributions to agriculture.  Call the Extension office by November 26 at 419-674-2297 to reserve your tickets to this event.  Tickets cost $12 and can be paid for at the door or purchased from committee members: Dustin McCullough, Robert McBride, Ruth Oates, Kerry Oberlitner, Gary Harpster, Steve Poling, Luke Underwood, Robert Wood, and Mark Badertscher.  We hope you will attend to honor these new members of the Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame.

2018 Ag Hall of Fame News Release

Starting in 2019, beef producers will need to have Beef Quality Assurance training to have full market access.  There are several trainings coming up for producers to become certified for a 3-year period.  BQA trainings are scheduled for Hardin and Putnam Counties on December 6 at 7:00 pm, and both Auglaize and Darke Counties on December 10 at other times during the day.  See the attached news release and flyers for more information on the times and locations for these trainings.  The Ohio No-Till Conference will be taking place on December 11 at Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain City.  I have attached a copy of the conference agenda and registration information if you are able to attend this event.  According to the Ohio Crop Weather reports from USDA, 82% of the corn and 88% of the soybeans have now been harvested in Ohio.  I have attached the reports for November 13 and 19 for your viewing as I estimate that both of these numbers are close to what has been completed in Hardin County.  Fields continue to be soft, so farmers are most likely waiting for the ground to freeze before finishing if it does not become fit before then.  As usual, I have included some ag crops articles for your reading.  Have a nice holiday.

Beef Quality Assurance News Release

Beef Quality Assurance Flyer – Auglaize

Beef Quality Assurance Flyer – Hardin and Putnam

Beef Quality Assurance Flyer – Darke

No Till Conf December 11 2018

November 13 Ohio Crop Weather Report

November 19 Ohio Crop Weather Report




 Inversion and Drift Mitigation – Workshop on December 14 – Cindy Folck

Recognizing weather conditions that could cause inversions is important when using certain herbicides in corn and soybeans. On December 14, join a discussion about recognizing inversions as well as ways to improve communication between farmers growing sensitive crops and pesticide applicators. Inversion and Drift Management Workshop, presented by the Ohio State University Extension IPM program will be conducted on December 14 from 10 a.m. to noon. Farmers and pesticide applicators can attend the workshop in-person at the Ohio Department of Agriculture, 8995 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 or attend virtually through the online webinar link. Read more at


 CCA Exam Registration Open thru December 14th! – Harold Watters

Exam registration for the February 1, 2019 exam date is open now through December 14th. Interested in becoming a Certified Crop Adviser or becoming certified in one of the specialty certifications (4R Nutrient Management Specialty, Resistance Management Specialist, Sustainability Specialty, and new in 2019 is the Precision Agriculture Specialty)? Find Performance Objectives, registration, and other materials for all exams on the CCA Exam website: The OSU Agronomic Crops Team offers a basic CCA exam preparation workshop on January 9 and 10 in Sidney Ohio. We provide presentations and guidance on how and what to study for the exam – our goal is to help you pass, but at the same time show you where you may be deficient and need a little more study. The price for the exam preparation class is $250. Secure on-line registration via credit card, debit card or check is available at: We are almost full, so reserve your spot soon. Want more information? Contact Harold Watters at watters.35@osu.eduor by phone 937-604-2415.


 2018 Ohio NoTIll Conference December 11 – Alan Sundermeier

The annual Ohio NoTill Conference will be held on December 11, 2018 at the Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain City, Ohio.  The program starts at 9 am – 4 pm.  Cost is $40.  To register and prepay go to Topics include: Nutrient Application in NoTill; Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus Cycle; Deep Placement of Fertilizer with Strip-till; Cover Crops- It’s All About Timing; Conservation Benefits for Landowners; Digital Ag Apps; and more.


2019 West Ohio Agronomy Day – Monday, January 14 Debbie Brown

The 2019 West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Monday, January 14th at St. Michael’s Hall in Fort Loramie.  A light breakfast will be available starting at 8 a.m. with a marketing update from Cargill and Sunrise Cooperative at 8:30 a.m.  At 9 a.m. the program including Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification credits (Core and Categories 1, 2, and 6) and the one-hour Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Training for those who are already certified to apply commercial fertilizers will begin.  In addition, Certified Crop Advisor CEUs (NM, SW, IPM, CM, and S) have been approved and Commercial Pesticide Applicator Credits in Core, 2A, and 2C have been applied for.  Continue reading about the West Ohio Agronomy Day at


Living Soil Film Released – Alan Sundermeier

The Soil Health Institute released Living Soil, a 60-minute documentary about soil health featuring innovative farmers and soil health experts from throughout the U.S. The film is freely available to download and stream at Living Soil captures the background of the current soil health movement and its momentum, beginning with painful images of the Dust Bowl, and then transitions to personal experiences of innovative women and men who are managing their land to enhance soil health. The film features rural and urban farmers from Maryland to California, selling everything from corn to bouquets, united by their care for the soil. The Soil Health Institute ( is a non-profit whose mission is to safeguard and enhance the vitality and productivity of soil through scientific research and advancement.



The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office




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