Good evening,
Tomorrow morning will be the second Conservation Tillage Club breakfast with OSU Farm Management Program Manager Ben Brown speaking on grain marketing. We will begin with breakfast at 7:30 am and then Brown’s presentation at 8:00 am at the Plaza Inn Restaurant. I have attached a copy of the news article and flyer for more information. Coming up next week will be our New Pesticide Applicator Class for those who plan to take the test for the Ohio Pesticide Applicator License. This class will be at the Extension office on Wednesday, January 31 from 12:30-4:30 pm. So far we have 15 people registered for this class. See the attached flyer for details if you still wish to enroll. If you have been following the label changes for dicamba products Engenia, XtendiMax, and FeXapan, the EPA has required applicators to attend training meetings provided by the manufacturers. There will be two upcoming meetings in Findlay on January 25 from 9:00-11:00 am and also from 2:00-4:00 pm hosted by BASF. These training meetings will be at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1050 Interstate Drive W, Findlay. See the attached document or go to for more information to register for these or other upcoming dicamba meetings.
Ohio is now seeing full implementation of Ohio’s Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification regulation. The regulation was result of Senate Bill 150, which can be found at and The 2014 regulation required farmers to complete a fertilizer certification program if they applied fertilizer to more than 50 acres of land in agricultural production primarily for sale. Exemptions included fertilizer applied through a planter, individuals whose crops remained on the farm for their livestock and not sold, or fertilizer applied by a commercial applicator. To read more about fertilizer recertification, go to
Wyandot Agronomy day will be January 25th at the Sycamore Community Center. The program will start at 9:30 am and run until 4 pm. We will be covering many topics including Corn and it’s potential, weeds and your herbicide program, maximizing precision ag and nutrients, and Soil Carbon and microbes. The program will be a mix of state specialists and local county educators. We will have pesticide and fertilizer recertification credits and CCA credit. For more information all OSU Extension Office Crawford County 419-562-8731. Go to–-sycamore to view flyer.
Join OSU Henry County Extension at the Bavarian Haus, just outside of Deshler, Ohio on Friday, February 9, 2018 starting at 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 for the inaugural Northwest Ohio Crops Day. Find answers to your agronomy questions as you prepare for the next growing season. Speakers and topics for the day will include the following: Examining the Ohio Farm Economy 2018, Barry Ward, OSU Production Management Leader; Revising the Tri-State Recommendations, Anthony Fulford, Post-Doctoral Researcher, OARDC; Dicamba Tech Update, Pigweed Control, Mark Loux, OSU State Weeds Specialist; Weather Trends – Impact on Production?, Aaron Wilson, Researcher, Byrd Polar Climate Center; Agronomic Insect Issues, Kelley Tilmon/Andy Michael, OSU Entomology; and Yield Limiting Soybean Pathogens, Anne Dorrance, OSU Soybean Disease Specialist. For more information, go to
Hay and forage producers across Northern Ohio will have an opportunity to brush up their knowledge and skills on alfalfa production, learn about alternative forages, and discuss hay marketing strategies on January 30 at the OARDC North Central Ag Research Station near Fremont. Topics to be covered include Alfalfa stand establishment, fertility/foliar fertilizers, alfalfa varieties, cutting management, weed and pest management, forage quality and marketing, and the use of cover crops and annuals for double cropping forages. To find out further details, go to
Ohio State University Extension is pleased to announce the 2018 Agricultural Outlook Meetings! In 2018 there will be seven locations in Ohio. Each location will have speaker addressing the topics of Free Trade Agreements: Why They Matter to US Agriculture, Grain Market Outlook, and Examining the 2018 Ohio Farm Economy. Additional topics vary by location and include 2018 Farm Bill Policy Update, Dairy Production Economics Update, and Farm Tax Update. A meal is provided with each meeting and included in the registration price. Questions can be directed to the local host contact. Go to for a list of upcoming meetings.