The county fair is over and we had the Hardin County Carcass Show of Champions last night. If you missed the carcass show, you might want to read the attached news release that explains how the champion and reserve market livestock from the Hardin County Fair are evaluated. Sometimes the way they are placed on the rail doesn’t agree with the way they placed in the show ring. Overall, the meats judge was very satisfied with the quality of livestock in the carcass show and commended the project exhibitors on the fine job they did raising their fair animals. Now that the carcass show is complete, the Farm Science Review is coming up next week. This year’s Farm Science Review is being held Tuesday-Thursday, September 20-22 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London. See the attached news release and attached Gwynn Conservation Area Schedule and Map. Additional information about this year’s Farm Science Review can be found online at fsr.osu.edu and you can purchase tickets online (http://fsr.osu.edu/about/online-ticket-purchase-information) or at the Extension office at the reduced pre-sale rate of $7 through Monday. Tickets at the gate cost $10 per person.
Farm Science Review News Release
Today I participated in the Wyandot County Fair by showcasing Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension programs, research, and resources available to fairgoers in the Masters Building in Upper Sandusky. After that, I traveled to Cuyahoga Falls for the State Master Gardener Conference. Our Hardin County Master Gardener Volunteers have applied for several state awards again this year which will be presented at this two day conference. In addition to awards, the conference has guest speakers, seminars, and tours for the attendees to participate. Driving to northeast Ohio, I saw corn harvested in Crawford County along U.S. Route 30.
It won’t be long until harvest begins in Hardin County. Silage chopping has been taking place the past couple of weeks and hay is still being made. I have included some agronomy articles for you to read at the bottom of this email if you are interested. Enjoy the nice cool weather and I hope to see you at this year’s Farm Science Review. I will be working in the afternoons in the Agronomic Crops Team test plots, Pesticide Safety Education area, and the Nutrient Management/Water Quality booth in the Firebaugh building on the different days.
Drought and heat adversely affected ear and kernel formation in many Ohio corn fields this year. Poor ear and kernel development is associated with variability in plant growth within fields that is related to differences in soil moisture. In some areas within fields subject to protracted dry conditions, ears are absent (“barren”) or severely reduced in size with a few scattered kernels (nubbin ears). Where the impact of drought was less pronounced and plant height and color look normal or near normal, ear cob size may be normal but kernel number is markedly reduced. No kernels may be evident on the last two or more inches of the ear tip. To read more about ear development in corn, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/ear-development-impacted-drought-conditions.
As we get into the R5-R6 growth stage of soybean, now is the time to look out for pod and seed feeding insects, especially bean leaf beetles, grasshoppers, and stink bugs. Last week’s article focused on stink bugs, which pierce the pod and suck out seed matter. Bean leaf beetle and grasshopper chewing damage is more obvious. Grasshopper damage is usually focused on field edges, but bean leaf beetles will be spread more evenly through the field. We have not had any reports of unusual levels of pod feeding activity, but growers are still advised to monitor their fields for these two insects. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/bean-leaf-beetles-don’t-quit-end-august-unlike-your-summer-help to finish reading this article.
PREVENTION IS THE KEY TO MANAGING STORED GRAIN PESTS – Lee Townsend, Extension Entomologist, University of Kentucky
The primary causes of grain spoilage during storage are excess moisture and high temperature. However, insects can infest any grain that is not handled properly or that is stored longer than 6 months. Damage from weevils or other stored grain insects can be costly. Unfortunately, they often are discovered when grain is being taken out of the bin. At that point, the damage has been done and there are few control options. The elements of pest prevention, the key to successful long-term storage are sanitation, protection, and inspection. Arguably, sanitation is the key because infestations of stored grain insects rarely begin in the field. To finish reading this article, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/prevention-key-managing-stored-grain-pests.
A common concern for growers when working with an Agricultural Technology Provider (ATP) is that their data may be used by that ATP to benefit itself in the marketplace. According to the Federal Trade Commission, it is illegal for businesses to act together in ways that can limit competition, lead to higher prices, or hinder other businesses from entering the market. The 13th farm data principle outlined in the American Farm Bureau “Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data” highlights Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities in which “ATPs should not use the data for unlawful or anti-competitive activities, such as a prohibition on the use of farm data by the ATP to speculate in commodity markets”. The primary concern is that a company could use farm data (however it is access) to market various crops or influence input sales. To read more about this Big Data topic, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/unlawful-or-anti-competitive-activities-big-data-confusion-part-13.
Rain has been spotty across much of Ohio this summer and there are areas where corn was under moisture stress during the critical pollination period. As a result, this drought stressed corn has poor grain development and small cobs. Much of this corn may end up chopped for corn silage. Typically the most frequent questions about using drought stressed corn for corn silage revolve around nitrate toxicity, expected yield and quality. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/drought-stressed-corn-silage to read more about the affect of drought on corn silage.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office