December 11, 2014


Good morning,

I am sending you this edition of the Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update from the OSU Extension Annual Conference in Columbus.  This year Extension is celebrating 100 years since the signing of the Smith-Lever Act, which established Cooperative Extension.  In case you missed it, this past week was the Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame Banquet.  Approximately 140 people attended this annual event to witness the 2014 inductions.  See the attached post-banquet article with photo if interested in reading more about this year’s program.

2014 Ag Hall of Fame Post News Release

As we approach the new year, questions begin to arise about the new Farm Bill.  Two Farm Bill Update meetings have been scheduled for Hardin County farmers to help them understand their options for the new Food, Farm and Jobs Bill that was passed with the Agricultural Act of 2014. Both meetings will present the same content, but will be held on two different days. The first meeting will be held Thursday, December 18 and the second meeting will be held Wednesday, January 7. Both meetings will be from 6:30-9:00 pm in Veterans’ Hall at the Hardin County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, Kenton.  See the attached news release about these upcoming programs and make plans now to attend either the December or January meeting.

Farm Bill Updates News Release

Stored Forage Production School is being offered by the Ohio State University Extension Dairy Working Group via webinar format to Ohio forage producers.  The course is geared toward both forage and livestock producers. Emphasis will be on forages for dairy users, but beef and sheep users will also benefit from the course.  Topics will be covered over the 4 days of the school, January 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm each day at the Hardin County Extension Office.  Registration deadline is December 18 and cost for the forage school is $30, which includes a notebook of materials and school presentations.  See the attached brochure for more information.

Forage Prod school trifold brochure 2015

Other upcoming programs that you may be interested in are the Ohio Beef Feedlot School being held in Darke County January 8, 15, 22, and 29 at 7:00 pm with a remote site in Crawford County.  Drake County is also holding a program called ‘Utilizing Manure with Wheat & Corn – Creating New Application Windows’ on January 7 at 1:00 pm.  Both of these programs have fees and registration deadlines of December 22.  For further information, see the attached flyers.  There is a Soil and Water Conservation District meeting December 18, starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office.  In addition, I have included some articles below that you may be interested in reading.

2015 Ohio Beef Feedlot School Flyer

2015 Manure Meeting Flyer










2014 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials Available – Laura Lindsey

The purpose of the Ohio Soybean Performance Trials is to evaluate soybean varieties for yield and other agronomic characteristics. This evaluation gives soybean producers comparative information for selecting the best varieties for their unique production systems. Head-to-Head Comparisons of Conventional, Liberty Link, and Roundup Ready (New for 2014).  Varieties were grouped, tested, and analyzed by maturity (early and late).  Conventional, Liberty Link, and Roundup Ready varieties were tested together and sprayed with conventional herbicides to allow for head-to-head comparisons.  Conventional, Liberty Link, and Roundup Ready entries are statistically comparable within a maturity range (early or late). A pdf of the 2014 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials can be found here: Sortable data will be available soon at:








Double Crop versus Modified Rely Intercrop Soybean Yields in 2014 – Steve Prochaska, Jason Hartschuh

Modified Relay Intercropping (MRI) is the planting of soybeans into headed wheat that may occur up to 6 weeks or more prior to wheat harvest; whereas Double Cropping (DC) is the planting of soybeans after wheat harvest.    Vyn et al, found that relay intercropping of soybeans yielded better than double cropping of soybeans north of I – 70 in Indiana ( Go to for more information.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office

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