The recent cold snap has reminded us that winter is not too far off. Harvest continues around the county with several corn fields yet to be shelled. A few soybean fields remain and the winter wheat has emerged. As you work to finish harvest, don’t forget to make time for safety. This week I have included an article on preventing grain dryer fires along with some agronomy articles and a beef article. A week ago I submitted an article to the news media about an honor Molly Shick was nominated for at this year’s Farm Science Review. This award recognized contributions of 100 Ohio Women in Agriculture and a copy is attached.
Also, the growing season rainfall summary article is attached to this newsletter. The Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame Banquet is coming up Tuesday, December 2. The banquet will start at 6:30 pm at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Kenton. Information about this year’s inductees will soon be released to the media so make sure you watch the local newspapers and listen to the radio. Tickets are available from any Ag Hall of Fame committee member until November 24. Committee members are Mark Badertscher, Andy Flinn, Bob McBride, John Messmer, Kerry Oberlitner, Paul Ralston, Don Spar, Luke Underwood, and Bob Wood. You can also purchase Ag Hall of Fame Banquet tickets at the Extension office anytime between the hours of 8:00 am-4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Other upcoming events include the Dairy Service Unit Cheese Sale pick-up tomorrow (11/15) morning, starting at 9:00 am if orders were not picked up today. Master Gardener Volunteer classes, which have been every Tuesday and Thursday evening since September 23 at OSU-Lima will wrap up this Tuesday (11/18) and Thursday (11/20). The Soil and Water Conservation District will have their monthly meeting on Thursday (11/20), starting at 7:30 am in the SWCD office.
This is the Time to Give Your Sprayer Some TLC – Erdal Ozkan
It is very likely you have already completed the harvest season, and in the process of storing all the equipment in a proper place. One piece of equipment requires more attention than others when putting it in the storage place. It is your sprayer. If you want to avoid potential problems and save yourself from frustration and major headaches, you will be wise to give your sprayer a little bit of TLC (Tender Loving Care) these days. Yes this is still a busy time of the year for some of you, but don’t delay winterizing your sprayer any more than necessary. The sub-freezing temperatures are just around the corner. This may not have any bearing on your tillage, planting or even harvesting equipment, but sprayers require a special attention mostly because of the liquid that may be left in some components of the sprayer. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-38/this-is-the-time-to-give-your-sprayer-some-tlc to continue reading this article.
Acceleron® Challenge – I lost – Anne Dorrance
During the past dozen or so years, we have been recommending the highest rates of metalaxyl or mefenoxam for soybean seed that is planted in Ohio’s Phytophthora sojaecountry. We have a lot of data collected during this time period to support this. There are a couple of things in play here at the moment. We have increasing number of fields in Ohio that have populations of another oomycete, Pythium spp. that are highly insensitive to metalaxyl/mefenoxam (more on this later) and; A growing number of new seed treatment compounds have recently entered the market where other active ingredients also have efficacy for Phytophthora and many of these Pythium spp. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-38/acceleronae-challenge-2013-i-lost to continue reading this article.
Modified Relay Intercropping – Lessons from 2014 – Steve Prochaska, Jason Hartschuh
Modified Relay Intercropping (MRI) is the planting of soybeans into headed wheat that may occur up to 6 weeks or more prior to wheat harvest. In the MRI system, two crops, wheat and soybeans are harvested in the same growing season. After 15 years of growing 10 inch row wheat and soybeans in a Modified Relay Intercrop (MRI) system, this year wheat and soybeans were planted into two different row spacing/ cropping systems. Soybeans were intercropped into wheat (much earlier than in past years; 5/23 in north central Ohio) utilizing a twin row system which can be described as two 8 inch wheat rows and a 22 inch skip. Also, soybeans were interseeded into 15 inch row wheat on May 28 in central Ohio at OARDC, South Charleston (SC). Various trials were conducted within the MRI system that included the evaluation of seed treatments, hybrid maturities and the effect of interseeding on wheat yield. To continue reading this article, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-38/modified-relay-intercropping-2013-lessons-from-2014.
Cow Age and Cow Productivity (When is she too old?) – Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Extension
Strong cattle prices have encourage ranchers to keep any cow that might have a live calf to sell at the next weaning period. If rainfall allows forage growth to be adequate, keeping an older cow to have another calf to wean next year is tempting. At cow culling time, producers often face some tough decisions. Optimum culling of the herd often seems to require a sharp crystal ball that could see into the future. Is she good for another year? Will she keep enough body condition through the winter to rebreed next year? Is her mouth sound so that she can harvest forage and be nutritionally strong enough to reproduce and raise a big calf? At what age do cows usually start to become less productive? There is great variability in the longevity of beef cows. Breed may have some influence. Region of the country and soil type may affect how long the teeth remain sound and allow the cow to consume roughages such as pasture and hay. Go to http://beef.osu.edu/beef/beefNov0514.html to continue reading this and other beef articles.
Prevent Grain Dryer Fires – Dee Jepsen
This time of year, it’s important for farms with grain dryers to be on alert for grain dryer fires. Besides being costly losses to the grain and the drying equipment, there are also indirect costs associated with fires including additional time and labor to clear the problem, down time with the drying and storage facility, and extra time to and equipment to haul grain to another location. All of this frustration can be reduced when the operators take the time to conduct regular inspections during drying operations and perform routine housekeeping tasks. For the most part, operators are aware of the manufacturer’s safety recommendations and system operations for their particular dryer. However it is important for all employees (including family labor) working around the grain dryer be informed of specific signs that could lead to fire. For specific tips to prevent grain dryer fires and other ag safety articles, go to http://agsafety.osu.edu/sites/agsafety/files/imce/Vol7No%2810%29Oct-Nov.%20.pdf.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office