Good afternoon,
The weather is changing and fall is finally kicking in. Soybean harvest continues for some and corn harvest is now in full swing. With the onset of fall is an opportunity to develop a weed control program to help control some of the problem weeds that are still appearing in the fields. Back in September, I did a county weed survey with the help of former Putnam County Ag Extension Educator and now state Manure Nutrient Management Systems field specialist Glen Arnold. See the attached news article for information about problem weeds that were found in area soybean fields. Also, below is an article from OSU Weed Scientist Mark Loux about controlling problem biennial weeds.
As the weather starts to get colder, you may see some insects coming into the home such as Brown Marmorated Stinkbug and Asian Lady Beetle. Because this summer was a big aphid year, we can expect to see more of these beetles seeking refuge from the cold temperatures. Although these small bugs may not do any harm, they can be a nuisance when they are inside your home. See the article below for more information about these insects and also one about Crane Flies, which some have confused with Hessian Flies.
When will we get our first killing frost? This is a question that not only affects grain farmers, but also those who have forage crops planted for livestock and those who manage pastures. Some forages can become toxic with the killing frost. See the article below for information to protect your horses and livestock from toxicity problems with some types of forages. In addition, I have included some other articles that may be of interest to you.
The Hardin County Dairy Service Unit Cheese Sale deadline for placing orders is coming up October 22. I have attached a copy of their order form and we also have one on our Extension website at If you would like to place an order, make sure you return the form to Molly Wagner or any Dairy Service Unit director by that date. See the form for additional details. Also, the Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association Sheep Management Tour is rapidly approaching October 26-27. If you are planning to attend this year, make sure you contact Madelyn Lowery and make your hotel reservation before Monday. I have attached a copy of this letter in case you are still considering joining the tour.
Cheese sale fall Sheep Tour Invitation Letter 2013
Control Problem Biennial Weeds in the Fall – Mark Loux
Poison hemlock has become a persistent problem in many roadsides, fencerows, wood edges, etc, and it occasionally becomes a problem in crop fields. Fall is the ideal time to control poison hemlock and other biennial weeds such wild carrot, teasel, and common burdock. Making an effort to control these weeds in areas that border crop fields or pastures can reduce potential for them to interfere with crop growth or cause problems in hay or animals. For more information, go to
Insect Home Invaders – Ron Hammond, Andy Michel
Brown marmorated stink bugs are making their presence known to home owners and renters the past few weeks as the insects begin their yearly trek to overwintering sites. We have been answering phone calls and emails, and also giving numerous interviews on these insects that are being attracted to houses. These insects are attempting to find locations where they can spend the winter until next spring when they will return to their various host plants. To read more about these insect home invaders, go to
Crane Flies Not Hessian Flies – Curtis Young
Reports of numerous huge, mosquito-like insects flying in and near fields and grassy areas around fields have reached Extension Offices. Some are concerned that these large flies might be Hessian flies (Mayetiola destructor, family Cecidomyiidae) especially when they are observed near wheat fields. Fortunately, these flies are not Hessian flies, but rather are crane flies (Tipula spp., family Tipulidae). In comparison to these “super mosquitoes,” Hessian flies are relatively minute. Go to to continue reading this article.
Forage Toxicity Issues with Frosts – Mark Sulc
We have had a beautiful fall so far, but Jack Frost will be visiting us soon. Now is the time to finish harvesting and grazing several forage species that can be extremely toxic soon after a frost. Those include primarily annual grasses in the sorghum family and other closely related species that contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides, which are converted quickly to prussic acid (i.e. hydrogen cyanide) in freeze-damaged plant tissues.
Other species that can develop toxic levels of prussic acid after frost are Johnsongrass, shattercane, chokecherry, black cherry, indiangrass, and elderberry. It is always a good idea to check areas where wild cherry trees grow after a storm and pick up and discard any fallen limbs to prevent animals from grazing on the leaves and twigs. To find out more about managing forage toxicity issues with animals, go to
Ohio Dairy Producer Meeting – November 6 – Winner Harvest Barn – 7300 State Route 47 W, De Graf, OH 43318
Blue-green algae continues to be in the news, and “agricultural pollution” is being cited as a significant contributor to the problem. As a result, Senate Bill 150 has been introduced and could potentially require farmers to have nutrient management plans for both manure and fertilizer application. Meeting will be held from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM followed by lunch and tour. Registration begins at 9:30 AM with coffee and donuts. Alan and Renee Winner and their family currently milk 190 Holstein cows on four Lely A-4 robotic milkers and utilize an automatic calf feeder, Juno feed pusher, and brushes in their newly remodeled flush barn. For additional information, see the attached flier.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office