Studio Space Rendering

Final rendering of abstracted studio space (by Chuck Backus, 2020)
Close up of desk, hammock, and chair plus miscellaneous objects, (by Chuck Backus, 2020)
Close up of stairs, door, and pennants, (by Chuck Backus, 2020)

Project Statement

The goal of this project was to use a one-point perspective to create a personalized studio space with a couple of conditions. When working I’m most comfortable when surrounded by the things I love or give me a sense of relaxation. So, with that being said I used objects from my house back home to inspire my studio space. This project, like the last one, was an abstraction of simple forms. I used simple forms like circles and squares to help create everything from the hammock to the desk. It was my goal to take household objects of mine and plug them into my own space. My four objects that met the requirements are the loft/staircase, the desk, the hammock, and the chair. The pennants, door, sunroof, and indented window are just to add to my intended goal of creating a relaxing space for myself.  Small things like sports memorabilia for my favorite teams, and a little extra light add to what makes me relaxed in a certain environment. With the addition of these light sources, I had to learn how to shade and apply it to my composition.  This shading can be found mostly on the staircase, but also on the desk and within the hammock as well. All of these factors played a role in accomplishing my goal of creating a personalized studio space that gives me a feeling of relaxation.


View detailed project process at Studio Space Rendering: Process


I ended up learning and improving so much from this project. I could feel the improvement from the Campus Observation Drawings project. With that project, I looked at a picture and drew it. In this project, I got to find objects and manipulate them to my liking and configure them within a space determined by myself. I had to overcome creating the space, at first it was really a struggle, but after multiple attempts at it I was finally able to get the hang of it. Because if the space was symmetrical then all of the objects placed within it wouldn’t look right. I also learned how to shade in this assignment, along the way we did a lot of small experimentations with shading. Ultimately my project wouldn’t have turned out as well as it did if I hadn’t added shading into it. As well as shading, I got to learn multiple perspective techniques when drawing. We only used one point within this assignment but being able to learn three new perspectives of drawing was extremely beneficial and definitely hard at first. Just like the studio space itself, the only way I was able to get the hang of all these techniques was to just do them over and over again. Granted, learning there was much easier than perfecting the studio space but regardless I was starting to learn if I wanted to become a really good designer it was going to take a lot of time just doing it.