2D to 3D Translation

Front view of the final composition, (by Chuck Backus, 2020)
Top view of the final composition, (by Chuck Backus, 2020)
Isometric view of the final composition, (by Chuck Backus, 2020)
Digital template drawing for each piece, (by Chuck Backus, 2020)

Project Statement

This project was a build off of the last one, Shape Grammar. The goal was to take a 2D composition from Shape Grammar and turn it into a 3D composition. My original goal was to take my final composition from the project and turn it into a 3D composition. After creating digital models for it I found it was going to be incredibly hard to do and with this project being the first time I had done construction with paper it was something I was unable to tackle at the time. So, I switched to a different composition that I felt was more confident for this project. The sensation from the new 2D composition was a feeling of deception. So, I wanted to recreate that with multiple three-dimensional figures. Even though the project was all about shape and form I used forms to create lines through certain viewpoints to make the viewer think boxes are being created where they don’t actually exist. This can be seen from the top and isometric views of the project. The slanted tops and different heights also help add to the effect of deception depending on what viewpoint you are looking at.


View detailed project process at 2D to 3D Translation: Process


It was good to feel almost a real-world abstraction in this project with regards to how it built off of a project done previously. This was the first time I experimented and seriously made 3D models out of paper. I think the knowledge I’ve gained from previous projects with respect to drawing and sketching did seriously help with this project as well as my engineering and graphic modeling background. Being able to take a flat drawing and envision what it will look like extruded was extremely beneficial for this project. I built upon my knowledge of isometric and orthographic drawings as well as how to create templates. Without the templates, I wouldn’t have been able to make a standing final product. The hardest part was definitely working with an enlarged scale from the 2D compositions. It made it hard to construct certain parts because of the size of them which is why I switched from my final composition of Shape Grammar to a different composition from the exercise. Overall, this was an interesting project because we started to head in a different direction from the other projects, this involved digital and analog sketching and physical modeling and it all made me excited for projects to come.