Second-Semester Mentee Interview!

My mentee, Jillian Finkle, and I met up at the union to do her second-year interview! Jillian is still a Political Science major and has been getting involved on campus in a variety of ways. She is very determined and passionate about many things and has taken steps in pursuing many social justice issues. Here is an update on her!

When I asked Jillian about a class on her current schedule that is challenging, she went on to talk about a medieval history class that she is in right now that focuses on minority issues. She said that it is very heavy in reading and writing and that she also has a hard time with focusing in on what she needs to know. Some things that she mentioned having to work on is learning how to skim readings while still getting a general understanding. She said that she is learning slowly, but surely and has gotten a lot better at is! Jillian also mentioned that she is planning to pick up a double major in history. She believes that this will be a great addition to her political science degree that is currently in the works. Lastly, Jillian also spoke about a data literacy class that has been tough and is required for her major. Despite some of these challenging classes, I am confident that Jillian will give her all and thrive in them!

Jillian would definitely like to stay involved next year on campus; in fact, she mentioned that she would like to get more involved! She said that she will keep up with the same organizations that she is currently in but plans to apply for more leadership positions within them. She would also like to focus more on expanding and networking with other people and organizations. She feels like this year has rooted her in some main organizations and things that she is passionate about and she wants to focus her second year on expanding those passions and interests. She has also accepted the communications director position for college democrats here at OSU. This is something that Jillian is very proud of and she looks forward to expanding their reach and making the organization as great as it can be.

Jillian described her first semester in ACES as being good and overall positive. She went on to say that this program has created accountability for her to go out and serve her community. She has always loved service, but this is a great way to make sure that she is making time for it in her busy schedule. ACES has also encouraged her to find communities that she is very passionate about impacting and has pushed her to serve them. One of her favorite way to serve is by being a mentor to another girl. As far as recommendations go, Jillian would like to see more social justice topics and events in ACES. She would also like to see it become more discussion oriented.

Jillian has been able to do many things that align well with her major. She has been applying to internships for this upcoming summer as well. As far as experience goes, she has been part of college democrats, has met politicians, was able to go on a trip to Washington DC, and helps out with the Women’s March. All of these things have made for great experience for Jillian, and she is hoping for even better ones to come!

Some of Jillian’s favorite memories from last semester include winning the communications director position for college democrats and being very well received in the organization, going to Washington DC, and meeting Sherrod Brown. As far as goals go, Jillian would like to focus more on her own mental health, balancing things while staying involved, and doing the things that she loves.

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