Artifact 2: Explore Columbus

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This artifact is the experience of going out with my mentor and her other mentee. It was a really fun experience! My mentor is also named Emma and her other mentee is named Brea. We went out to eat at Condados and the food was delicious! We also walked into some of the shops and just explored around the short north.

From this experience, I learned to branch out and meet new people. It was so fun getting to know Emma and Brea. We talked about many different experiences and where we came from. SometimesĀ it’s hard to find the motivation to meet new people and make friends, but this really encouraged me. It also made me realize how easy it is to make connections with new people.

I will use this experience to help me to branch out when I am in a situation with a bunch of new people. It will helpĀ me to make new friends and connections!

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