
You are invited to join us for a discussion with the French author, illustrator, and graphic novelist, JACQUES FERRANDEZ, on 15 April 2021. He will be visiting Professor Danielle Marx-Scouras’s two French classes: French 5403: “Albert Camus: A Writer for Our Time” (11:10-12:30) and French Honors 2101 (Introduction to French and Francophone Studies (2:20-3:40). All discussions will be in French.

Jacques Ferrandez has published over sixty books, many of which are about his birthplace, Algeria, where he was born in 1955. These include Carnets d’Orient, a ten-volume project covering the French presence in Algeria from the Conquest to Independence (prix Historia), La Colline visitée and Retours à Alger (both with Rachid Mimouni), Des homme dans la guerre d’Algérie (with Isabelle Bournier). He has also illustrated works by authors such as Izzo, Benacquiesta, Carrese, Pennac, Giono, Pagnol, Fellag, R.L. Stevenson, as well as two biographies on Miles Davis. Ferrandez is also a jazz musician.

Beginning in 2009, he began publishing graphic novels of Albert Camus’s works: L’Hôte, L’Etranger (prix Historia), and Le Premier Homme for Gallimard (the last two works are available in English at Simon and Schuster). Ferrandez returns regularly to Algeria, where his works are also exhibited. At the end of his 2017 autobiography, Entre mes deux rives, he writes: “J’ai toujours pensé, comme je l’ai déjà dit, qu’au lieu de séparer ses rives, la Méditerranée devait relier les continents et les peuples.”

Ferrandez will be discussing his work on Camus and his personal and artistic position “between two shores”. Please register below for one or both sessions. We look forward to having you join us.

Visit the REGISTRATION page