
We Have Reached the End! Final Blog Post- 1159 ESPESY

Now we are at the end of the course! I have learned some great tools and resources that will come in handy in the future. I would say I still have some work to do as far as becoming a better student. I do think that I have improved since the beginning of this course. I still wait until the last minute to get my assignments done as you will probably see from the time I post this, but I am aware of it and I am working to improve that. I think I can do better and I will continue to take classes like this one in the future.

The most helpful thing I’ve learned was how to find credible sources. It is sometimes difficult to write papers and find the “right” source but I’ve learned about some great websites to help me with writing papers in the future and that is very helpful to me. The most interesting thing that I’ve learned was in this same module which was finding out what kind of learner I am which was an intuitive learner. What made me feel like this fit me over the sensing learner was the explanation “You may also be prone to careless mistakes on test because you are impatient with details” found on the site about learning preferences.  I have made small mistakes on tests in the past because I have gotten impatient before so that fit me very well.

I have definitely learned some new things about myself, I know that I can be lazy at times but I have been able to address it more now and make adjustments. Along with finding out what kind of learner I am, I found out what will help me with studying in the future as well.

In the future I will take better notes and from what I’ve learned about myself I will use pictures and examples in order to have helpful notes to maximize my studying. I also plan to watch videos to help me elaborate on things I don’t understand. I plan to try a few things out first and figure out what tools are most helpful and then stick to it. It seems like throughout college I will have to interpret information to fit what I already know and I will find the best way to do that.

This has been a great class to take. I will honestly probably take this class again just to keep me on my toes. I do think if I took more time doing these assignments I would have absorbed even more useful information. That’s why I would take this again in the future.  For other students who are struggling with lack of motivation I urge them to just find what makes them happy first and find what motivates them to want to keep going. I also think finding out what ways you learn the best will help in the long run. I also suggest to make good habits for studying and getting papers and assignments done in a timely manner. I would also say to study over time and don’t crash study. Hey, and it wouldn’t hurt to take a course like this! Good luck to all!

Module 6 Blog Post

In this module I’ve learned some useful information for researching and identifying credible sources. I use Google all the time so learning about little tips to help narrow down searches and identify which sites will give me the most relevant information I’m looking for was very helpful. The most useful information I learned was learning about the Ohio State University catalog that is available to me as a student. I knew there were libraries available to students on campus but I didn’t know we were able to search so any things and have books we can check out or view while in the library and even have access to online versions of some books. This will definitely come in handy in the future for sure. Learning about identifying reliable and credible sources was helpful as well. Overlooking sites and sources for reliability, quality and utility(slides 4 through 5 in lesson module) is important when trying to complete a paper. If the location of the information used for a paper is not credible, neither is your paper. For other students I would suggest to take advantage of the universities resources that are available. I would also suggest to use a website to organize sources for papers. I think that makes the process easier but most of all, HAVE FUN WITH IT!

Module 5 Blog Post

The most useful thing I’ve learned in this module is new note taking strategies. I’ve had trouble taking good thorough notes in the past. I hope that I can get better with more practice. The note taking strategy that I think will be the most helpful is the “Cornell Method”, it’s different from the usual jotting down what you hear. The Cornell Method of note taking actually forces you to be engaged during lecture.

Currently I am not taking any other courses so I can’t really put these note taking strategies to the test but in the future I plan to test out different note taking strategies to see which one works best for me. I find that it is much easier to take notes from recorded lectures and I know it may be a challenge to test out these strategies on live lectures. For other students I would say to find the best note taking strategy that works best for you and practice, practice, practice. Reviewing and studying will become much easier if the notes are clear and highlight important information that the instructor finds important. Another little nugget of advice would be to have fun learning! That makes it a little easier.

Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading & Study Strategies Blog Post

The activities in this module offered lots of useful information. The reading assignment offered many good tips for being a successful student as well as the discussion assignment for this Module. The information posted by other students in the Module 4 discussion was very useful.  Learning about new sites for studying, writing papers, and where to find information about specific subjects that will be beneficial to my success in college was the most useful thing I’ve learned because it can be used almost immediately. The reading assignment further opened my eyes to how different and more difficult being a college student is compared to being a high school student. Page 1 in the textbook reads “Passive learning is no longer enough to be successful, just showing up is not enough.” For me this is so true. In high school I rarely had to study for tests and quizzes I just had to be present to pass. This is not the case for college, without reading and studying material outside of the classroom important information can be missed that is required for taking tests and quizzes. I encourage students to be active learners and stay informed about assignments. Finding what learning strategy works best is also important while finding new and different ways to learn. I also advice to get and stay organized and learn how to manage time. Being a student and having personal commitments can be hard to manage but staying on top of responsibilities is a must. The last piece of advice I can give is to stay focused and motivated! It’ll go a long way. Good luck!

Module 3 Blog Post

This module offers lots of useful information, the most helpful thing I’ve learned is to not me shy with introducing myself with my instructors and that it’s helpful to have support from other students in future courses I take. Basically, it doesn’t hurt to spark up a conversation with other students, it may actually be more beneficial to my success in the course. Something that I already practice that is discussed in this module is when in an online course, compensate for not having non-verbal communication. The book suggests “try using emoticons and acronyms (for example, LOL for laughing out loud) to express your ideas and words” (page 122). I haven’t used this tool in professional emails but I’ve used LOL when communicating with peers, it helped to lighten up the conversation and add some emotion to my text. There are some things that I will try and use from this module such as: when saving files I will add the date to the beginning of the file name when doing a rough draft. Also, I will engage with students and when sending emails among my peers I try to personalize them to build a stronger relationship. For students that are looking for a few tips, I’d say not to be afraid to start a conversation with other students and introduce yourself to your instructor. These are a few things I plan to do to facilitate my success in future courses.