G’bye Australia!

Our time in Australia unfortunately has to come to an end this week. This past week has been very busy with agency visits, but we’ve also had time to explore Melbourne.

I (Emily) could connect the most with Berry Street organization. This service conducts playgroups for foster children and their carers, and parents. Berry Street was one of my favorite agency visits out of all nine of the agencies. I was so happy to finally have an interaction with parents and children, and to observe the different relationship styles between the foster carers and their children. Berry Street’s organization has a passion in connecting the relationship between the children and their carers. I truly do love the work that they do to interact foster carers, and parents and children all together. The staff at the agency during playgroup seemed to genuinely love these families and children. They care for these children truly, and their parents.
We made food for the children, sang songs, and even painted with them. This really lightened my mood and I was so happy to interact and play with the children. I feel that the children do love this group. After the play group many of the staff came together to give us a lecture on their programs. My favorite lecture was the one on domestic violence. I loved the family violence team information. They respond to every single referral (900-1000 per month) and that they look at risk factors, and always the high risk list. This is very important I believe and every referral should be looked at.

During the visit, I was very intrigued to know if many of their clients are less likely to leave an abusive relationship if there is a family pet involved. I was informed this is an issue here just as much as America. Sometimes during interviews and assessments individuals do not think to ask children or families about pets enough in the family household, and it needs to be assessed more because they do get abused, and also children will tell animals things that they will not tell people. There are not enough shelters available to victims where they can bring their household pets.

One day I would love to work with individuals of domestic violence in a shelter where they can bring their pets. In the shelter counseling and meditation could be provided. This is my dream, and this experience in Australia has helped me to narrow down my true interests and what I want to do with my career! I am so truly thankful and blessed to have been able to go on this trip. I also am so fortunate and thankful to my supervisors for planning and creating this trip, and setting up all the agency visits. This is a life changing journey, and one that I will never forget!

I (Megan) also very much enjoyed this week of agency visits! Berry Street was definitely one of my top visits as well. It was so nice to be able to interact with the kids in the playgroup, and have the privilege to help set it up. The playgroup’s aim is to foster positive attachment, and these kids and parents seem to be doing a great job of it. 🙂

Berry Street is doing great things. They recognize foster parents, carers, and parents need support as well. They offer respite services where a child or children may stay in another’s care for (typically) one weekend out of the month to help the parent or parents recharge and take care of themselves. Allowing the parents to care for themselves and their needs during this time definitely helps in sometimes complex or difficult situations like foster care or families involved with child protection. This program also allows the kids to form other attachments with another family once a month; to see how they may function and to have other adults to look up to. I really loved hearing about this program, it seems to work quite well!

These three weeks in Australia have been life-changing. I definitely have learned a ton and I’m sure the entire group has a ton of new ideas to bring to their experience here in the states. Each country has their pros and cons and can definitely learn from each other’s systems.

One thought on “G’bye Australia!

  1. Thank you Megan and Emily, we thoroughly enjoyed having you share our playgroup and am thrilled you enjoyed the day. It was wonderful having so many willing and able assistants, although the kids were shy they enjoyed having all the attention!

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