
The very first snow I saw in Columbus. At the end of october, my roommate came home said: It’s snow outside. I was excited and watch out for snow. However, I found nothing.

Today, the weather looks like normal. But the snow can be seen clearly.

I look forward the heavy snow. Columbus and The Ohio State University must be beautiful with snow covered.


Halloween comes, you can feel it.

When you enter a store, you can see a lot of horror toys. I’m not sure if it acurrate to call them toys. It would be more proper to name them set of horror stage property. All of them are like real things. Chainsaw, blood, and human bones are basic configuration. There’s one freak me out. There is a sensor on the floor and I didn’t notice it. When I step on it, a black cat jump and hit my leg from grave. It was unexpected. Beside the horror things, there sill have some thing cute. pumking. The carve are cute and creative beside the door. What else Halloween trandition do you know?

Idea about research paper

There are some ideas about research paper topic came into my mind. And I decided to write something about transparent phone. With the help of development of technology, a phone can achieve many functions. Sometimes, Phone can complete more task than laptop. There is one of function really attracted me: transparent phone. I though it is really cool. You can hold the phone just like holding a piece of glass. The phone is transparent. It’s hard to achieve. Although some news came out that the technology will be used in real life soon, it’s still not widespread.

Super Cold

This morning, when I went out to go to school, I feel warm. The sunshine was nice.And the temperature was normal: neither too cold, nor too hot. What a lively day, I thought. Due to the confortable weather, I didn’t take any warm clothes.

In the afternoon, one class just over, I went out, and freezed. It was so cold. The weather jumped from fall directly to winter. It was afternoon, it supposted warm than morning. I weared few clothes, and felt cold from head to toe. Beside, there are so many midterm these weeks, which make my heart even more cold.

It’s Octorber now, I can’t imagine the weather in December.


Research Paper brainstorming

Finding a topic for my research paper.

Creat a list of ideas

I have several idea about the topic of research papar. I like to find the march band of The Ohio State Universtiy.  How is the march band developed and how does it work. The history of the trandition. The other topic would be area related to my major, which according to the last standard of the research paper on carmen. To talk about the market of electrical device, and how does it changed the world.


Further Ideas about digital story

In the previous blog, I expressed my rough ideas about my digital story. I was planning to use a great movie as the materials: what the story the movie expressed; how the movie affected my thought; and the other things.

When I read the rest blogs, I found that almost all the class use the life at ohio state university as the material of the digital story. That made me feel I have misunderstood the requirement for the digital story. So, I changed my topic on the digital story. I will write the life at Columbus and The Ohio State University.

First, I will talk about the life when I came at Columbus the first week. Then, new academic student life at The Ohio State University would be discussed. At the last, something fresh to me would be state for the first semester.


Food plays an important role in people’s life. Delicious food will make people happy, energetic, and hold different feelings for the day.

American food seems pretty simple. Burgers, fries, fried chicken, and something similar. No matter what restaurant you entered: McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Denny’s, all you can ordered would be these things. I was pretty happy at the first month for food like it, cause all the food is so new for me. However, I can’t stand anymore for  three meal per days like these. They are still great but not for me.

Chinese food has variety of options for many types of ingredients and recipes. It is not easy for me to cook. I know that some of you in our class is great at it. What is your tips.

October comes

How was the football game going? Did we win?

Today is the last day of september, which means midterm comes. Time fly. I still remember the first day when I came. And midterms come in the next second.

October comes, which also means winter comes. Lots of friends who lived here for more than one years told me that Ohio’s winter is freaking cold. Class cancelled sometimes due to the heavy snow. I asked is that means we have extra rest day that we can play out. However, they answered me with a serious face: no! You can go to nowhere! What you can only do is stay at home and seeking for more blanket to cover your shaking body. I’m curious if I can went through the winter safety.

Weather changes

It’s so hot now. Two days ago, the weather was cold, you need to dress more while walking on the street. Winter came, I thought.

I weared as much as possible clothes in the morning today, but the strong sunshine warm the ground up. I don’t see why the weather varies so different. It just takes one sec changing from cold to hot.

A student who came from north town of ohio said:”Well, welcome to Ohio.” She said it’s pretty normal for the weather changing. In her junior year in high school, an unexpected snow came in May. “Yes! In May, could you believe it?” It’s summer and snow. She will never forget the day. It’s like the end.

It seems like you will never know what will happen in the next seconds.

Idea about digital story

I like the idea which Liu Qi provide in the last post. One can write his/her favorite movie or music.

Based on the Digital Storytelling Cookbook, which on carmen, The digital story can be “The story about a place in my life,””The story about what I do,” and “Other personal stories.” One’s favorite movie or music could be great material for the “Discovery stories,” which is subset of “Other personal stories.”

At this moment, I would like to use one of my favorite movie or series as subject for the digital story. First part need to be included will be introducing the plot of the movie briefly. Then specify which part of the movie attracted me. At last, express how I feel about the movie, what can be tell from the movie, and how it affect my real life thinking.

That’s my idea about digital story.