
Year in Review

AU 2021

This semester, I helped kickstart EcoSpace, our Eminence project that helps to map geospatial environmental data in Columbus in a user-friendly manner. Further, I am the President for Students for Justice in Palestine and I have been hosting numerous educational and collaborative events throughout the year. I also started volunteering for the first aid response team (FAST) with the Greater Columbus Red Cross chapter in order to gain clinical volunteer experience.


Because of the current state of emergency with Coronavirus, this semester presented a series of challenges with the majority of classes and club activities having to be online. For this reason, I have focused most of my efforts on my academics, but I did join ENCOMPASS, a health equity club at TOSU. Fortunately, I was able to spend my time on campus this semester and therefore, I was able to build a tight knit network with students in Eminence and the Morrill Scholars Program.